Two things I learned yesterday. Post hunting update.


Staff member
I got my first buck yesterday but it was not an easy day. If it was just me, it would have taken me until early this morning to get the deer out of the woods (and it snowed here last night). My dad gave me the choice to either drag the deer out or carry the gear. I ended up with the gear and it was very hard. My right knee gave out halfway back (We were only 100 yards up in the wood and 200 yards up a road)

Even my dad said I was not ready to do what we did yesterday. Walking up with just gear was one thing, but I was not ready to drag a deer plus my gear out of the woods. Next year I am hunting 20 feet from the fire road and that is it.

This also gave me a bigger look at what physical activity and travel do to my bowels and bladder issue.

One the way down to FL I had one small bowel accident and three bladder accidents. On the way back up only my bladder was acting bad but my guts hurt a lot.

Now that I went hunting my guts hurt and I am hoping to get things back right today.

Depending on what my dad wants to do I may be going a help him later today so I will have to wait and see.
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