TURP Gone bad


Staff member
I was to have a simple TURP surgery that I was told would be an overnite stay then onto home. Somehow my bladder was perforated and leaked into my abdomen. Needless to say a week later I was released and now 2 months later my incontinence is as bad as it was when they pulled the catheter out 2 weeks after my surgery. I was a pretty healthy outdoors type of guy, and now I am so depressed I rarely even look out the window. It seems most everyone on this site have great attitudes. Teach me some tricks pleeaase on how to overcome this nightmare. Anything from you all I am sure will help. My doctors are not very helpful at all. They just say they have no idea how long it will take to overcome this. Except to maybe offer surgery after a year is up (like thats gonna happen with them again).
Well friend that nightmare is BEHIND you. Sitting by the window waiting for the pee to happen is your present. Put on what protects you wear dark colored pants if you are afraid the woodland creatures or trees the stone beneath your feet will judge you and set one foot after another into your future.the sky is blue, sometimes clouds will cross it. Get out here and be.
And drink lots of clear filtered water. It is healing and cleansing and will empower you on the journey forward.
To 1Reginald57; I feel you. This whole issue can be overwhelming. Might I suggest a Penile Clamp? They cost about $40.00. They don’t cure leaking, it stops it for awhile. They enable you to maybe exercise or walk, or perform a task without leakage. It might not be for everyone, but I find some relief in it.
My problem started with random intermittent bedwetting, which progressed to everynight-bedwetting over several years, then daytime urge incontinence progressed to the point where I need diapers pretty much all the time. So my problem differs from yours.

HOWEVER... I didn't let that turn me into a stay-at-home recluse. I refused to let it stop me from doing what I want to do.

First, I changed my wardrobe. Dark pants, a size larger than what I need. Pleated front preferred. Shirts that look good un-tucked, that come down to pretty much cover my crotch. This combo solves two issues - it conceals my diaper/pad pretty good. It also conceals my licensed concealed-carry hand gun good too. (Didn't expect that, did ya??) 😊

As far as wearing protection, (The diaper, not the gun...) that depends on what I'll be doing. If I'm going to be around the house, or a quick trip to the store, I'll wear a Depends RealFit pull-on brief.
If I'm headed out on a long trip, and I don't know how far between restrooms, I'll wear a ConfiDry 24/7 diaper. I carry a small backpack, with extra protection.. Diapers, Depends RealFit, and bullets. (Hey, protection takes many forms, right?)

So what limits have I found? I'll let you know when I find one. So far, it hasn't stopped me from softball, biking, ATV riding, horseback riding, ziplining, whitewater rafting, hiking, restaurants, movie theaters, tennis, concerts, etc....
Thanks to you, that helps a lot. There is life after incontinence I guess. I will check out that confidry. As far as the clamp...my doc warned against it because of smashing the ureatha could be an issue so he says (same guy who created this mess...hah). But I will try that as well. And thank you maymay for all the positivity talk. It all helps. Thanks to all of you that has posted so far. You are good people.
Hi reginald you are still in shock and dismay like constantly wanting to wake up from this nightmare. Lol

Good news it’s not as bad as you think it is currently. Sure it sucks but hey you are still here with us. I think that counts for something. Also I am sure you have gone through much worse in your life. You can do this. So what you may have to wear protection, so what who cares and in some instances it will prove to be beneficial.

You need to just regroup and rise up and conquer this, and we all know you can do it. You most likely need to get outdoors again to actually heal.

It’s not the end it’s just a new beginning / new chapter and hopefully for you they can help you out to regain control again in a year or so. But don’t go down the woh is me routine as sure it’s comforting at first but eventually it just becomes a pity me party and you will be surrounded by people where their ailments become their identity and just whine to each other daily of what ails them, and that group just gradually sinks further into misery.

Not the life for me. I can rise up from the ashes and redefine myself and you should too. Make your life great again as otherwise the only person you fail is yourself.

With Love ❤️ and kindness.

Thank you Jason....you are right in everything you said. I am glad you said it to me. You reminded me that there is no hope for the hopeless....its up to me to be hopefull and people like you are what keeps people from going down that slippery slope. Thanks for pulling me back before I went over.
Well said 1reginald57 lol. Now I spelt it correctly.

And glad I could help. I have multiple Sclerosis MS and what has always driven me crazy from the beginning is there are way too many people who wear it as their only identity, which is truly sad. So it sucks but many other people have it much worse. Dust yourself off and rise above. Otherwise honestly what’s the point of living. Life is what we make of it. Might as well try to make it the best it can be. Otherwise you are only letting yourself down and no one else to blame other than oneself.

It’s the harsh reality in this world. And it is shocking how few actually understand that. 😉


@1reginald57, In January I had an Interstim device, which relieves some of my overactive bladder symptoms, placed into my left butt cheek. I had one in my right butt cheek but it stopped working after 5 years. The new one worked great for about 4 weeks. Suddenly, it stopped working due to a messed-up lead. In short, I'm back to annoying urgency and frequency as much as I've ever had. I wear dark pants all the time. When I drive and need to stop I do so wherever I can. I keep a large empty plastic cup in the pocket of the driver's door. When I gotta go, I go. I try to find a place in the back of a parking lot, open the door, get out the cup, and pee. If I'm visiting friends I make sure to go before I feel the need. It's called voiding. I think of it as avoiding embarrassment:)

I live in the country where my neighbors are not too close, thankfully. When I'm in my workshop and I gotta go. I go...sometimes right outside the door and sometimes in a cup I keep inside.

I am leaving the area where I had the surgery and will not be back in the area for two months. After that, the surgeon will go back in to find out what happened. Like you, I'm pissed (pun intended). Life goes on so just allow some time to pass to see if things improve and keep living your life to the fullest.

My best to you, sir!
Thank you fleemoore. I am sorry you are going through all that. It sucks when things that should help better yourself go bad. Its almost like who did I upset to deserve this. I hope the second time goes right for you. And thanks so much for helping me.
You gave me a few ideas
@1reginald57 I would say it gets better but I haven’t been in your situation. If everything does turn around like most situations with prostate surgery it takes a while. Most usually see good improvement at 4 months or a little later. I do know it’s difficult, but every day is still a good day some are just better than others.
I also had perforated bladder after bladder cancer surgery. No fun. However, my incontinence began after prostatectomy. 1.5 years later I’m wearing a light shield and I figure I’ll always be contending with the dribbles. I golf, ride dirt bikes and not going to let a little leaking stop me from the things I enjoy. Continence returns slowly so hang in there!
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