Trying to make friends like me


Staff member
Hello NAFC,

I'm trying to make friends who are like me (I have high Functioning autism and Schizoffetive disorder) and I'm having a hard time doing so at the group home.

My roommate sleeps all the time - but leaves periodically and also smokes marijuana underneath his comforter in our state home.

I don't say anything for fear of retribution - but marijuana inhaled can worsen my Schizoffetive disorder. I will admit to eating edibles in the past and it causes loss of time and very high paranoia and pyshosis spells which can cause "grey matter" on the brain a woman with knowledge of my condition told me.

So for a long time I refuse to use, even recreationally. I have been a firm advocate of keeping strong in my faith and following the Word - so I have been abstaining from most substances (very seldomly will have a mixed drink).

Anyway, I met a couple people I might relate to as one is similar to me in manners and the other is deaf. I have been respectful and even advised I do not sign but trying to learn to see if he likes video games too; but we all suffer from social issues. I type better with technology but have a hard time talking in real life and expressing myself. I go by a routine and if anything changes and also my mental symptoms worsen at night.

But I'm trying to make friends who are like me - obviously I have you guys on here to guide me with continence related issues and it's been a help as I can express my emotional concerns without feeling embarrassed and ashamed and wanting to close up to others in real life.

I take care of myself hygiene wise but require help socially and structure wise. My Schizoffetive disorder we think did not worsen my autism but worsened the traits. I am still very smart in my brain but my body says otherwise. Until I take my autism/schizophenia medicine; I don't feel calm. I may have to go up a small dose my mom told me to ask next visit.

I am relieved I finally know what I have - I am saddened as I feel different from others; but I am hopeful I will make friends with people like me.

Blessings In Christ,
The Lord will bless you with what you need. It may not be what you want, but what you need. I am 64 years old and retired from military and as a VP for a technical company. I know own a 20 acre ranch in Texas that keeps me busy. I lost my right leg a year ago and I still get around fairly well with a prosthetic limb. Two years ago I had open heart surgery and take a lot of medicine as I’m considered to be in cardiac failure. I’m also an insulin dependent diabetic. So, I guess life has been rough for me lately. I have had 5 major back surgeries and have lots of hardware in my back. The last back surgery left me with ED and completely incontinent. The nerve’s to my bladder are dead so I can’t tell whether my bladder has any urine in it or if I have to pee or not. I just leak and pee all the time. I also have many other issues but I try to live my life to its fullest. Anyway we all have our problems. So keep the faith and pray often with a true and pure heart. The Lord will provide. I know it’s true as I used to be a Bishop for many years.
I can be your friend if you want. Friendship is something we all need and strive for. Take care my friend. Funny but I spent six months in a nursing/rehabilitation home when I had my leg amputated. It was ok but very lonesome. The nurses and CNA’s were great as I couldn’t change my diapers myself, so they were very good and supportive and they were right I have gotten back to my old self. Albeit a little different. Remember there are a lot of people on this site and others who will offer support and help and will consider you a friend.
Chris318 said:
The Lord will bless you with what you need. It may not be what you want, but what you need. I am 64 years old and retired from military and as a VP for a technical company. I know own a 20 acre ranch in Texas that keeps me busy. I lost my right leg a year ago and I still get around fairly well with a prosthetic limb. Two years ago I had open heart surgery and take a lot of medicine as I’m considered to be in cardiac failure. I’m also an insulin dependent diabetic. So, I guess life has been rough for me lately. I have had 5 major back surgeries and have lots of hardware in my back. The last back surgery left me with ED and completely incontinent. The nerve’s to my bladder are dead so I can’t tell whether my bladder has any urine in it or if I have to pee or not. I just leak and pee all the time. I also have many other issues but I try to live my life to its fullest. Anyway we all have our problems. So keep the faith and pray often with a true and pure heart. The Lord will provide. I know it’s true as I used to be a Bishop for many years.
I can be your friend if you want. Friendship is something we all need and strive for. Take care my friend. Funny but I spent six months in a nursing/rehabilitation home when I had my leg amputated. It was ok but very lonesome. The nurses and CNA’s were great as I couldn’t change my diapers myself, so they were very good and supportive and they were right I have gotten back to my old self. Albeit a little different. Remember there are a lot of people on this site and others who will offer support and help and will consider you a friend.

Thank you Chris; It would be an honor to be your friend. That was a very kind post. Things were a little up and down today - but we are strong. We will get through this. You are right, the Lord gives us what we need. Right now I am thankful I am in a home; but other good things in due time my mom and grandmother says.

Blessings In Christ,
@Honeeecombs Hey there, I feel you know your pursuit to make friends with similar struggles. I wish for the same.

Have you heard of NAMI?

It’s the national alliance of mental illness. They regularly have volunteer activities and group activities where people with mental illness can get to know other people with mental illness and support one another. They’re an upstanding organization and maybe they even have a forum you can participate with like this forum. I think if you can find some of their activities in your area, you might be able to make some friends with your condition that way.
Thank you @snow. I have heard of NAMI; I will look back into them for autism and schizaffective resources.

Right now I'm still adjusting to living in a new environment. I have a routine I follow everyday in regards to hygiene; my daily steps, and trying to limit my data activity or try to find a phone plan so I can listen to music. I have a hard time with getting lost in my thoughts and it doesn't help with my social disorder.

I get easily frustrated when things are not in order like tonight dinner times are caddy wompus - but the table settings are nice; which has never been done before. But it gives me anxiety when things are different. Like I want to correct it; but I end up just doing steps or playing a video game.

I have issues sometimes with using logic which sends me down the rabbit hole of sorts - but my mom assured me I am getting the right help and that God is on my side and soon I will be in an independent apartment with assistance or low income housing.

I have to work to defeat these weaknesses and continence issues just seem like an everyday struggle now that I have mentally built up the strength to put my childhood trauma and separate the briefs I put on at night to the humiliation and experiences I had as a child.

My first goal is to get a pair of noise cancelling ear buds so that I can listen to music and cancel out conversations; it will help keep me calm, focused, and positive during the day so I do not have slip ups in the evening.

Blessings In Christ,
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