Travelling - Murphy's Law


Staff member
I'm 63 and have being a lifelong nocturnal enuretic taught me years ago that this formula works for me: Always take 50% more protection than the number of nights I'm gone from my home (i.e. 4 nights = 6 diapers). That allows me for the periodic middle of the night change or/and for the surprise trip extension. Sometimes, for longer trips, I just can't accommodate that many extra, but I ALWAYS take enough to not worry about it. EXCEPT last was just going to be a two night stay and I was positive I wouldn't need more, but circumstance changed and we had to stay 3 nights. It was also impossible to leave and find someplace that would carry the type of maximum absorbant product I use. I won't go into the details, but suffice it to say, that you're never too old to be reminded to trust learned life lessons! (of course the other one I've learned is to never assume your baggage is going to arrive at your destination:)
Very good reminders. Lol. I am fortunate I haven’t yet experienced any of those circumstances thankfully. And I loved your baggage comment and too true. Hence why I always bring my protection in my carry on for a minimum of 2 days. Fortunately I don’t have night time issues, mine is daytime problems. Oh the joys all of us experience in our own ways. ;)
..and to add one more suggestion, I have 2 diapers in each of my cars in zip-loc bags hidden in the spare tire compartments. About 2 years ago, we went to a wedding at a hotel and after a great party, decided it was better to get a room for the night. My hidden supply saved the day (rather the night!).
I carry a gym bag in the car with lots of extra supplies. Unfortunately, what I DON'T do is check it very often. The last time I needed something from it, it wasn't there. Live and learn, right ???
Packing is the problem, as we know. For longer periods I have diapers shipped to my location (provided it’s a hotel). The bulk just takes up too much space. Of course I need 3 daily since I wear 24/7.
I would imagine a long trip with a 24/7 need is real tough. I decided a long time ago to not let my nocturnal enuresis interfere with me enjoying travelling, but it surely has cost me a lot of energy, creative planning and stress trying to hold on to that promise!
My traveling days are over but years ago, when the internet was much less a “Wild West,” I was a member of a yahoo group that offered great travel tips for purchasing diapers in Europe, which allowed me to travel with a minimum supply. A few gentlemen even supplied me with their emails and volunteered to personally assist if I ran into trouble. I was able to easily purchase supplies in the UK, Denmark, Germany, Switzerland, and others. You can get Abena diapers everywhere in Denmark. My rusty German worked but in France, I wrote down what I needed on index cards and survived. The internet was a wonderful place before the trolls invaded.

I actually had an oversupply and on my departure, I left the unused diapers with the hotel concierge. He was welcome to receive them as they are requested on occasion by hotel guests.
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