To go, or not to go... ER?


Staff member
A lot of times right now this is the big question in my head. I deal with a lot of pain and today have had a really bad headache that I figured was due to dehidration as I have had chronic diarrhea for the last 36 hours.

The thing is that I feel like the more and more I don't go the more I question why I didn't.

I have had a lot of trouble sleeping due to pain and today has been very bad. If it does not get better then in the morning I am going to make the trip to the ER.

The worst part is that if my PCP office was open I would just go there but they are not back open yet so the only option is ER.

I hope I get feeling better but I will go if I don't.
I agree with the others here. If asking "should I go to the ER" even enters your thoughts, then you definitely need to go!!! If not then at least try to go to a walk-in clinic. And for diarrhea please push the fluids because dehydration is an unwanted side effect.
Please feel better soon!!!
Please, please go to the ER or a walk-in clinic. Staying home and pondering your question is not going to help you get better. Dehydration is very dangerous. We all care.
What’s up with your PCP? Mine is closed too but still available for phone consults and zoom appointments. In person can be scheduled in advance when absolutely necessary. Don’t they have some kind of care available?
Jason said:
What’s up with your PCP? Mine is closed too but still available for phone consults and zoom appointments. In person can be scheduled in advance when absolutely necessary. Don’t they have some kind of care available?

Jason, the office was on fire a few weeks ago due to a wind storm knocking down a power pole onto the roof. There was a lot of damage and they are still not up and running.

So it is go to the ER or just suffer...
I have had a headache since 1988 from a head injury. Sometimes it is just a low hum, but on the occasions that it acts up, it can get bad. I don't like taking pain killers partly because I've taken so many of them in the years since and partly because so few of them work any more. The ones that do anything at all are dangerous. Sooo... I finally asked my doctor what to do. She told me to think of a forest fire- I wouldn't wait until it got a whole lot worse before starting to fight it, and I shouldn't wait to treat a headache either. It's good advice. I don't recall what you've told us here about your symptoms and problems, but I'm going to pass my doctor's advice on to you: don't wait.
Hi @jeffswet, I think that makes perfect sense to me!!! In other words just treat it when it's just a barely noticeable smoldering pile of pine needles before it erupts into a flaming inferno! Sounds like your doc knows what she's doing!!!!
There are times when I am so glad to be a part of this community so proud of the compassion you all express.
Flguy I wanted to tell you, I'm really sorry you are in pain. It seemed so small. So insignificant and trite to say that last night but I came back to say it anyway and yet here are all these good people saying it loud and clear and urging you to get medical help. Its just a really special group of people here who care and try to lift each other up.
Hope you got some relief Flguy. No comment goes unnoticed round here.
Go to ER. Getting catherized is no one's idea of fun--well, maybe some people get kicks--but you have got to have that urine released or your kidneys will get damaged. I am in a rehabilitation hospital right now, and the pelvic floor therapist here has shown me all kinds of tricks to help me go--1 and 2--and I am sooooo grateful for it. If you have pelvic floor therapy available near where you live, get an evaluation and see if they can help you. I am amazed. Hoping you are already "drained" by the time you read this. Hoping all will go well from here on out...
I ended up going.. Everything checked out ok. But, what they gave me for pain had me very messed up. Felt like a statue. Everything was tight and I still had to drive home. Now to rest and figure out what I ate that made me feel like I did.
I am so elieved that all is well afterall, but your symptoms sounded awful. Please follow up with you urologist.
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