Tips for no/less bladder sensation


Staff member
I am still waiting to see GP, but does anyone have tips for managing when you can't really feel how full your bladder is? I have tried briefs yesterday but it didn't really help much, though I am sure it probably wasn't secured well. I am probably going to buy a pack of pullups and leave them at the work bathrooms at this rate. Its not a super huge deal, just frustrating. I'm not really worried about why its happening since they've diagnosed mixed incontinence.
First, stay hydrated. This may seem counter-intuitive, but it is important. When I have too little fluid in my system, it causes problems. One possible reason is that the urine will be more concentrated and therefore is more of an irritant (others may be able to correct me on that) but I think I've noticed greater urge when I have more liquid in my body. That may just be in my particular case. Obviously, drinking too much will overload your bladder and if nothing else, confuse your body. Unfortunately, mine tends to throw 'curve balls' at me; hopefully you don't have the same problem.
Its never consistent but 2-3 pullups a day is average. I am experimenting with briefs currently, but the unpredictability is maddening. I like being hydrated thankfully and have found it keeps the smell down so I will be sure to continue doing that. Thank you.
Hi @ICGamer, that is the thing, unpredictability and that makes it hard to decide exactly what you need to wear from one day to the next. The way I see it, you make a choice based on past experience and then hope it is the right and best choice!!! And this whole incontinence "thing" is trial and error.
My urge gets radically more when I get up from a sitting position, and sometimes from a prone position. That's only when I do need to pee. It warns me I have to hold a Kegel, max effort, until I get to the bathroom. I do feel the urge before I get up.
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