Three Years


Staff member
Hello all, it’s been a while sinceI have had anything to say so I thought I would share some information.

This past Sunday, 12/3/23, was the third anniversary of my radical prostatectomy. Wow what a life changer. It took a while for the continence to return, but I can say that I have little worries at three years out.

After about 6-7 months I was doing great during the day time , but had some issues at night. This is the opposite of most folks but I guess that’s par for the course where I am concerned. Anyway the urologist said I was probably just getting so relaxed at night that I was releasing. Now I don’t worry too much about it 24-7 unless I do something foolish like drink too much water or soda too close to bed time.

The biggest thing is so far my PSA has stayed undetectable and that was the goal. For all you other folks struggling with incontinence hang in there.
Congratulations on being satisfied with your decisions. I am at 10 months instead of three years, and I am beginning to doubt if real continence will return. My pelvic floor therapist says I don't need her anymore, that my pelvic floor is very strong. Yet I am still leaking ounces whenever I am real active. At night I am fine, only getting up once a night to pee, and never having any accidents. I will keep at my exercises and hope all the nurses and doctors are correct, that it "will happen" someday soon. It's hard to understand why it hasn't already.
It can be very frustrating and I know everyone keeps saying hang in there. Everyone heals differently. I do have little leaks when doing strenuous things at times and some not so strenuous things, but I am satisfied overall.
I can see the frustration as did I for the first year. But after a year, I am quite happy with the 'continence'; still have to get up once or twice at night, but travels are no longer an issue. Still drips now and then, but not even visible. Maybe I was lucky, but considering how I felt a few months post op, I have to say I am now hundred percent heeled (incontinence does not bother me at all). There are other issues still being hopeful for, but overall things are looking up.
I wonder, for those who have undergone radical prostatectomy, whether they have issues with numbing/burning pain on the thighs and if so does it go away? (Sorry this is probably not the forum for such issues). The pain is not constant, but the numbing feeling is constant.
BTW my PSA is also at the nondetectable level
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