Three cheers for Botox injections

I had sacral nerve therapy surgery in October of this year and a week later had it taken out, no help at all. I still am soaking my clothes and bed pad every single night and most mornings I stand up and it is running down my legs into the floor. I finally have an appt at a University hospital in March and I am hoping to get some answers after 3 useless surgeries multiple tests etc.
Kat really sorry to hear your suffering.
Do take care of your situation by using protective means to sleep comfortably in dry clothes.
Consider having an old barh towel at hand to put between your legs and absorb the morning rush.
We might not have a perfect fix but we can be kind to what we are and have our dignity that way, by practicing self kindness in the knowledge you are earnestly giving medical treatments their chance.
Re: Myrbetriq, it may raise blood pressure, but not necessarily. I took it for a few months with no side effects. The doctor will or should monitor BP if prescribing it. Unfortunately, it didn’t help me, so I no longer take it.
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