Three cheers for Botox injections


Staff member
I saw my urogynecologist today. It’s been 10 months since my second round of Botox injections and I am so much better! I highly recommend Botox. It has changed my life.
I am to the point that i believe the med I am on is causing high BP. What was the last med you were on before going thus route? Do you still have accidents?
I was on Myrbetriq which did nothing. I still wear adult pull-up diapers all the time but and have occasional accidents but nothing like before the Botox. I don’t know why more people don’t try Botox injections.
Ive hard a number of people here say they had good results initially from Botix but then urine retention became a problem and so not appealing solution to me.
@Pbk123 I have been on Myrbetriq fir at least 5 years now. Either I am just realizing I have high BP, or i have had it for a while now. Either way, I know it causes high BP. I am looking at Urologists now, we moved 2 years ago to another state so I need a new one. Thus might be the push I need. Glad it us working for you!
It must be a relief to get some relief but i read everyones comments obsessively.
One thing ive noticed over all types of prescription medications is that for every relief there is a need to take something else to correct a new problem. For instance Mybetrix, but now one needs an Rx for high blood pressure.
@Maymay941 yes...and I am doing my own testing to see if it is the med because I will nit take a med to combat a med!!! So I might look into Botox. But not fir a while as I am having shoulder surgery tomorrow.
I used Botox for several years. I needed to have it done every three months, but it was a miracle. Then it stopped working. I hope it continues to work for you, but know it can stop. I don’t have urinary retention, although I do have a little trouble starting a stream when I want to. Of course, NO problem peeing when I don’t want to...
@Pbk123 you’re one of the few that it works for. It’s difficult to get the amount of Botox correct the first time. Most don’t other with a second chance (I’m one of them). I’m glad it is working for you!
I'm considering Botox for a second time even though I have to catch myself several times a day. I think that I would rather continue to cath than to be wet all day. I know it is a short term fix. My consultant is very keen on sacral nerve therapy. Anyone had success with this? Cheers Phil
I had Botox once, basically for me, I was fully catheter dependent (no peeing on my own, at all) and I got more UTIs. Now they want me to have again, and insert a Foley, or what they call "chronic Foley". Right now with a combination of self cathing, Foley catheters, and incontinence protection, My mind says I have options
You are a brave and cheerful voice Boomer! It is difficult to find any perfect solution but it is always YOUR body, you know it best and only you have to live in it.
As always, wishing good health and a comfortable day.
I'm very lucky, that my PCP supports me too, and really walks ahead of me somewhat in life and protects me. If I need to see a specialist she really picks the best for me. Not just one that would benefit her clinics.
Pbk123 said:
I saw my urogynecologist today. It’s been 10 months since my second round of Botox injections and I am so much better! I highly recommend Botox. It has changed my life.
Everyone is different. I’m going for my third round of Botox later today (Wednesday). I’ve had no problem with urine retention post-procedure.
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