Thin urine stream 3 months after RP


Staff member
My surgeon asked me to do ten sets of 10 Kegels in the run up to surgery which I did. I then did 3 sets of nine Kegels a day when the catheter was removed. Twelve weeks after surgery I was dry, although still waking up every hour or hour and a half in the night to pee. My concern is that two weeks on from being dry my urine stream is very thin and it is hard work to pee. I am wondering if I have done too many exercises, and should do less, and also whether this is normal and my pee stream will get stronger in a few months time.

I feel for those struggling to get dry.
Normally three to five sets per day are recommended. That is say 10 long holds for about 10 seconds with a 5 second rest between. Then about 50 short quick exercises. I don't know the reason for your weakened flow, but I don't think it's the Kegels. I have heard that scar growth can cause a weaker flow.
I will seek help from my doctor. However, it is not obvious what I should ask him to do about this. All the procedures for dealing with this seem to have only temporary effect. I think I need to ask for tests to see where the narrowing is.
I spoke to my surgeon and he operated, stretching the urethra where it was narrow at the join he had previously made to reconnect the bladder after prostate removal. Thanks everyone for comments. Only surgery could fix this properly.
I don't know how to use this site and reply to a particular post.. but to aging hippie I have a question about his experience.. will you put to sleep for the procedure? I believe in Lay terms the condition is a stricture with a needed dilation of the urethral meatus.. so I had a horrible experience it was barbaric I was screaming the six times he cut open the orifice to my penis.. I've been left mutilated and still have urinary issues.. I dumped the doctor and got a new urologist.. but that's the worst experience I've had pain wise in my life
I had a general anaesthetic. It would not be possible to do this operation otherwise. The surgeon put a camera up me to see what the issue was, planning to cut or stretch as appropriate. There was in the event mainly stretching and little cutting. The issue was the scarring where my urethra was reconnected after prostate removal. No cutting or damage at the opening of my penis. There was no pain at any point though it was a bit stingy when the urinated for the next 24 hours. I am sorry you have had such a bad experience.
Thanks for your reply and I sure wish I would have had the procedure you described instead of the hell I went through
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