The whole truth and nothing but. Long post.


Staff member
So, this is not the first of this kind of website that I have been on. Truth is that over the past twenty years I have had a number of issues related to incontinence.

I realized that I have had quite a few posts here but never really told my whole story here. So, this is it.

I was born in the same town that I live in here in PA.

Born with my umbilical cord around my neck three times. Was blue for over five minutes. My mom had to fight not to push so that the doctors could save my life.

At seven I suffered a massive febrile seizure. Because I live in a very small town it took over an hour to get me somewhere that could handle what happened. I was in the hospital for a few weeks but nothing was the same when I got out. I ended up repeating third grade due to cognitive delays that were attributed to the seizure. I ended up on seizure medication (Depakote)for a year. At that time a lot of negative side effects came from the drug. I ended up with eye therapy and in all special needs classes. I had dysgraphia, dyslexia, (and what would later be called autism) I had an early word processer that I used for school as I could not write at all. I thank my mother for pushing me to where I am today.

At fifteen I had a major concussion due to a bicycle accident. There is about a two-weeks of time missing from my memory. This was also the same year that I really hit puberty and the night accidents started. I hid the night accidents from my parents for over a year until my younger brother found out and made me come clean. The next few years were a lot of tests and anxiety due to the doctor I was going to.

At eighteen I stopped going to that doctor and quite all the medical evaluations with hopes of finding a new doctor. I aged off my parent's insurance and that never happened.

I had a few hospital visits over the years and my night times issues were brought up when needed.

I have had day issues off and that I would now say were due to being constipated for so long.

Then 2018 hit and the rest of my history is on here.
You certainly got off to a shaky start in life FL guy. I bet your mom was scared for you too, that you narrowly escaped being stillborn. And then the growing up years were surely a painful experience for your whole family.

I would challenge you Friend, to write your life story from beginning to the present telling how you felt through all the circumstances, how you felt toward your doctor and your family. These could be valuable details for others going through similar hardships like you have.

I'm not saying necessarily that you should publish your story but who knows? I'm writing my life story from my point of view and understanding (and memory which the facts might not coincide with) so I'm including historical events too to put everything in perspective. I've gained a lot of insights into why certain things happened and what the times had to do with it. I'm 83 and my life is still unfolding. You're young in comparison but life goes on for you too. Writing about it can help you through a lot.
One thing that I forgot to mention is that I also had Salmonellosis twice in my life. (Had to ask my mom what it was called) The first time was when I One and lasted tell I was two when a neighbor got it as well and told my mother. I have had diarrhea for a year from it as it was due to dead rodents in our spring water pump house. This is also what is thought to have triggered my seizer when I was seven. Because that same neighbor got it again around that time. After that my family paid for us to get a well and we were off of spring water.

Every time I bring up my full history to doctors they act like it doesn't matter but I feel like this may all be connected to my overall medical history.
You're correct in you observations FL Guy. Doctors are practitioners not researchers. They just want to deal with the now and maybe prevent something in the future. I found the same thing when I went to a Pain Clinic for my chronic back pain. They weren't interested in how my back got so bad they just wanted to give me a shot or prescribe a pain killer. I've never been to a Holistic doctor, my insurance doesn't include them, but I think that kind of doctor would be the most help as they consider the whole person not just the symptoms.Maybe a combination medical doctor/therapist would be good! Sometimes just a professional who listens and hears our fears and anxieties helps and encourages us a lot.
ritanofsinger said:
You're correct in you observations FL Guy. Doctors are practitioners not researchers. They just want to deal with the now and maybe prevent something in the future. I found the same thing when I went to a Pain Clinic for my chronic back pain. They weren't interested in how my back got so bad they just wanted to give me a shot or prescribe a pain killer. I've never been to a Holistic doctor, my insurance doesn't include them, but I think that kind of doctor would be the most help as they consider the whole person not just the symptoms.Maybe a combination medical doctor/therapist would be good! Sometimes just a professional who listens and hears our fears and anxieties helps and encourages us a lot.

I have said this before in other posts. I have had a better experience with PA-Cs and my Therapist than with people that have an MD. The physician's assistants seem to care enough to really hear what you are saying and do the most to help. What I am seeking as answers, not solutions. I know that I may be stuck with this from talking with my therapist. I will always be going back to GI because my medications will have to be adjusted over time and I will need to follow up CTs to prevent another absess. So having someone that truly cares is a must.
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