The price of Pads: basic arithmetic.


Staff member
Remember those story-problems from Grade School Arithmatic? If Jane has 11 apples and eats two, and Sally steals 1, and Jane gives Billy 3, how many apples does she have left?
Let’s update it.
It’s Friday, and there’s a Pandemic on, Jane doesn’t want to go to town un-necessarily. So, she buys a package of 35 incontinence pads for $9.95. They are 2 of 6 on the 1 through 5 absorbancy scale. She has 5 left from a previous purchase at $11.48.
John, who just likes to have extra around, just in case, buys a box of 48 on Sunday, (even though he has 50 left from a previous purchase at $16.32 per 51 pads), which are #1 of 7 on the absorbance scale, because there was a good sale going on – 22.5% off – and the original pre-sale price was $15.28. Who got the better deal and how much did that person save per 2 pads a day? John uses 4 pads a day, twice a week. Sally just uses 2 a day, except on Sunday when she uses 3. How much did that person save per pad because they bought it on a different day of the week?
Extra credit: Does it make a difference if the pads Jane buys are 1 point less absorbent than Johns?
If John bought Comfort brand and Sally bought Better-fit brand, how much would one of them have saved if they switched brands?
If it was a Freshman High School story-problem, it would have even more irrelevant details to make you sort out what information you really needed!
I'm so old, i had to look up how to spell Arithematic!
Happy holidays! This homework is due Tuesday.
I hated those flash cards used for addition & subtration. And I was the only one in my elementary school class who got 98 instead of 100 on a spelling test. I missed one of 50. Do you spell it Science or Sceince"? Obviously, I managed to forget one exception and went with the so-called rule. Stupid rule....
The Lord help us all if I was a scientist and had to count all those viruses. Or is the plural "virus"? If the plural of Index is Indice, the plural of Kleenex is Kleenice". If the eplual of Goose is Geese, then the plural of Moose is Meese.
Then there was grammer - or is that grandma? Diagramming sentences.... Ugg.
Hi @AlasSouth, I remember diagramming sentences, ugh is right! Haven't thought of them in decades! Back in my mom's day it was called parsing sentences. Those silly angular lines went all over the paper but what did it accomplish??? Just a lot of eraser smudges and confusion!
But if you ask me the plural of moose (keeping the goose in mind) should be meese! And if the plural of mouse is mice shouldn't the plural of house be hice?? But my favorite is the plural of caboose (none found on trains these days). Why not call 'em cabeese!!!! But in this day and age if you ever saw two cabeese in one place that would be a real eye-opener!
And as for that homework due on Tuesday, not gonna happen, I'm afraid! My math story problem skills are just about as good as my typing skills - practically non-existent!!!! :D
Sally saved 2.86 a day by using less pads that absorbed more than John's cheap ones that had to be changed more often, except leap year when it was 2.869
Billliveshere: Thanks, Bill! I remember calling it Parse - or the teacher did. We were in High School during the era of "New Math". They must have had something like that for grammar. The teacher and class were having a hard time with whatever the "new & improved" method was, so she showed us how they diagrammed sentences "in her day", and we all agreed it made more sense and was easier. She was an unusual teacher.
There are some nifty historic tourist railroads - with steam locomotives - that actually have cabeese! Just imagine: a steam loco pulling cabeese. Now that is amazing.
Drawer: You cracked me up. Good one!
You all are great. You made my day.
Happy Holidays!
Wait a second...

Now we have to worry about incontinence AND Mathematics????? OH SWEET JESUS!! TAKE ME NOW!!!
HI @AlasSouth, and happy holidays to you as well! Please be safe!!!
And yes those tourist trains are the only place these days where you'll find cabeese!!! :D (this emoticon needs an engineer's cap!!!)
You guys had a great fun in your schools. I did not. Buck in my country teachers were very serious. No games strictly math no fun.
That’s true. Ours were pretty strict too.
Glad they were persistent and didn’t give up on us though. Very grateful for them.
Glad that the teaching profession now believes one can have fun and still learn.
That applies to both children and adults
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