The Path of Persistence


Staff member
Hey guys,

Was it Albert Einstein that lived in Menlo Park, CA? I'm thinking about this today as I was triggered today - and I feel trapped in the meta verse of abuse and trauma.

My bladder condition has improved the past few days - but funnily enough, I've been having painful bowel movements again and been straining. Everywhere I go it seems, I am reminded of my childhood in regards to my bladder condition; something I opened up to another survivor/support community about.

But did you know some of the smartest people in America - geniuses actually - have suffered from being slower as a child and made to feel they could not accomplish anything; but yet, they persevere and overcome. Alot of them, with delayment in toilet training; it's recorded as "Einstein Syndrome".

I talked to a gentlemen about a personal situation (a Lt actually) who told me "The path of persistence beats the path of least resistance" and regardless of my PTSD, bladder and bowel condition - I will survive.

So I suppose this can go to anybody out there that wishes to read this and relate to there bladder condition.

You are not less - you never have been less, you will never be less.

You are equal to or greater than the people out there who do have great control over there continence. As someone who Is always frequently running to the bathroom - I tell myself frequently it's the only thing I'll run to.

And of course - when my bladder symptoms worsen; I'll manage in that regard as well.

"Just keep swimming".

Blessings In Christ,
Thomas Edison was "The Wizard of Menlo Park," which is in New Jersey.

Persistence is the greatest predictor of success in most things. I've always liked the saying, "Success is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration."
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