The new normal.


Staff member
Ended up going to Knoebels with my Mom and three nieces today. Had a good time but really over did it on the walking side of things.

Also today gave me a good insight into what my day to day might look like moving forward.

What I find is that like before getting Botox I was okay until I ate something. Then it is like playing hot potato with a live grenade.

Now I am more likely to have very small accidents thoughout the day until I eat then I truly don't know that I will want to be away from home.

It is a little early to say for sure that this is how it is going to stay.

I do know that without medication I cannot have a bowel movement at all so like I have said before this right now is only a step until something else more permanent can be talked about with doctors and other tests can be done.

It was good getting out today but once I hydrated I told my Mom I had to be done. Luck Knoebles has a lot of family bathrooms so I changed quick before leaving.

All in, Today was okay but if I would have eaten and hydrated like I should it would have be a bigger issue to deal with but something I have to learn to deal with.
This morning I decided to get a sip of water, instead of going to pee first thing and BAM I had a huge leak. This did not happen yesterday though, probably because I went to the bathroom first. In time we learn about our "new body" as I call it. Living with any chronic issue is frustrating when variables can change, but like artiejr said, the best thing to do is take it a day at a time. I hope they can find a solution that works great for you, and in the mean time adjusting to this new change is also important. I am glad they had plenty of bathrooms for you.
You guys are doing great, went to the dentist yesterday to get my implant cap put in and the tooth was so sore that he had to put me on antibiotics and then I have to come back in to put it and he has to research on what to do next. Worksman comp is like Medicare, it does not cover the whole cost. Since this is workmen's comp, he has to write a letter on his letterhead on what is happening and i have to put it in the portal. They are trying to dump me, since it has been almost a year. My Doctor did not do the therapy scrip correctly and updated it to go into the water for me knee. I have not to complained to her about it but I stopped doing my weight bearing exercises which I asked her about if I could do them, if I was doing any harm. Well I was. This upsets me very much. I do not have it in writing and she workmen comp is trying to dump me, I did not want to upset the doctor or have her pissed off at me. This is awful. I cannot get a lawyer since I was a part time employee and there is not money in it for them. So here I am. Prayers needed so I can decide what to do next. Thanks. Hand in there @ThatFLGuy and @Koigla, you are both doing great. Learning about our bodies is a tough, an every growing process. I think now I know why I feel so shitty and I was dizzy. The infection in my body. So we will see what happens. IF we knew about this at the time, I would not have had my surgery. Good thing it is over and I am healing. I swear it is always something. blessings. Busy day, finding out what is wrong is half the battle. I sent a letter yesterday in the workmen comp portal about not getting the therapy in the water approved so there is documentation. I may called the department of labor today to get a new case manager. He is not being very good to me at all. I have too much crap going on.
Hi Fl Guy, I agree with both with @artiejr and @koigal that it is time to just take it one day at a time. That goes along with the trial and error part, which is necessary to find what works best for you in any given situation. If something you use isn't enough then take it to the next level. That way you will be able to detect what your limits are going to be.
And it occurs to me that you may want to just take notes or keep a diary to record what happens at any time and then at the end of a few days look over the diary and or your notes and see if you can detect a trend. And this is important for you since you are finding out what's going on with you and once a final determination has been made on a definitive treatment for you, you will be equipped to deal with "the new you."
So, I really feel like I over did it 8/10 and 8/11

I ended up having to change some parts on my car and it was very humid. Top that with spending time out on 8/10 and I am paying for it tonight.

Seems like I am getting a real taste of what this will be like as the accidents are back up but now it is not like running to the bathroom to try to make it. I just have to go get cleaned up now.

I was hoping to get some phone calls it yesterday but my parents were getting ready to go back south so I wanted to see them first and when my dad drove my car he was like "I am parking it right here at the house and don't you move it tell we fix it"

My rear hub was so bad it could have come off at any time.. Messed up because I past an inspection on my car back last year. But, hay, stuff happens.

Got it all fixed up but now my guts hate me from being out in the heat and humidity for so long today.

Playing some Call of Duty... HAHA Duty.. Until my bowels calm down and I can go to bed.
I find myself reading fb stuff on its groups for ibs or crohns disease trying understand the things you are dealing with. I have a son who was told he has irritable bowel so I really feel for you.
What I've come to understand in my limited ability is there are some pretty unfixable gut issues that only a rather simple carbohydrate bland type low fiber meal planning can come close to being more comfortable but not perfectly comfortable or without the dreaded accidents diarrhea etc.
Its not anyone's fault orcexpl8cabblecto have its or related named issues.
It was not fun reading peoples posts on being malnourished or having constant pain or fear of accidents when out but it helped me to understand you are not alone in this although your particular condition may have roots or been exacerbated in that botched operation. All I can say is you are a trooper and hope for you to be relatively comfortable.
And the roller coaster ride continues. Got woke up early to go with my Nanny to get steaks from one of those meat truck. Got back home and naped until 3:30 pm. Now working on getting food ready.

Got my car fixed yesterday and now my parents are heading back to their house here in PA after leaving and getting just 60 miles down the road and having to get towed back because something broke on their truck.

Like goes on.
Just a blow transmission cooler, not a huge fix but its a 2007 truck so got to find parts and about 3 hours of work so.
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