The Crew


Staff member
Hey Guys/Gals,

Noticed its been quiet these past couple of days. I just woke up from a nap and i got thinking about the regulars who i havent heard from lately.

@Maymay941: Hope you are still around. Thought about you today - sorry i havent been on here.

@Jason: Hope things have been doing well for you man. Have you looked into the Interstim device?

@BarbaraDrabek: wherever you are - i hope you are doing well and keeping a smile on your face. If you get this, please let me know if you ever sent that letter to your doctor. Thinking of you.

@Bill: Hope you are doing well my friend. Thank you for being there for me during my darkest moments of dealing with UI and OAB. God bless you. If it wasnt for you and some others on this forum; i probably wouldnt be alive.

Anywho, ive been on and off the forum - but havent really seen "the crew" that ive walked this journey with. Hope you are all well, wherever you are.

Blessings In Christ,
italic textbold text
Honneeecombs -- Thank you for writing in. Good 2 hear from u! Yes, has been quiet for a few days. I'm going to do a new post about FI & Lymphedema.
I've been super busy these past few months. Kidneys are slowly improving, and they're considering taking me off Dialysis. Getting off Dialysis is very rare, usually you're on it for life.
As far as my bedwetting, it's been a lifelong issue, turning 71 in July.
Hi Honeecomb,

All is good for me can’t complain. It’s the same old, granted that I am accepting my condition more and more the easier it is becoming. ;)


Jwh51 said:
Hi Honeecomb,

All is good for me can’t complain. It’s the same old, granted that I am accepting my condition more and more the easier it is becoming. ;)



Thanks Jason;

I'm glad to hear you are accepting your condition more and more. I wish I could say the same.

I don't know, it's almost as if it changes everyday. Some days are better than others of course. But one thing needs to stay constant - people.

Just curious- do you have supportive people in your life? That makes a difference when it comes to mentally and emotionally handling bladder and bowel issues.

On a personal unrelated note - that's part of the reason why I continued reading in my faith and eventually was guided to a new faith. A calling I suppose.

Today has been a good day in the since that I realize now that during the time I was offline here; staying True to the faith, constant prayer while alone maintained a relationship with God to keep myself from succumbing to my bladder condition.

I don't think people realize the stress and the pain of it all.

Anyway, good to hear from you. Also, you forgot to mention about the interstim. Did you look into it? It helped myself when I had the trial done - but I'm still living with spasms as I haven't had the permanent procedure.

Blessings In Christ,
Bumping this thread.

Tonight as I have noticed newbies - I am wondering if any of the regulars have been around. I have seen @maymay941; but haven't seen any of the others.

@billliveshere: I think I remember you saying you'd be back in the fall. I hope you are doing well. You've been there for kind words for me the past couple of years dealing with a bladder condition - words cannot express how much it would mean to hear from you.

@Jason: i hope you have been well man. I still think of the time you reached out about the Interstim; can't believe that was so long ago now. I'm on Medicaid now, so I don't think it's an option. I don't know.

@maymay941: I still think of you and the dolls in your profile picture. Hope things are well considering our health issues - it's nice to see you post here and there. Blessings.

@artiejr: Hello; are you off of the dialysis now? Regardless, I am glad to see you on here still as I know you post In my threads from time to time. I hope things are well.

@BarbaraDrabek: wherever you are, I hope you are well. I still think of you from time to time and the nice chats we once had. I'm going to be moving soon; in a week or so me thinks. I will make sure to post an update on how things are.

@pegasi99: Can't believe some of the new faces are becoming the "regulars" I suppose. It's good to see you still on this board, and I am thankful that people are still coming in and out and being members of our community. God bless this forum.

Anyway those are my humble thoughts. Hope everyone is well - and keeping busy. Been kinda lonely here tonight; not many people to talk to.

Blessings In Christ,
This week has been a nightmare. Yes, I am off dialysis for now. I got COVID on Tuesday this week. Wednesday is when it really kicked in. My wife was taking super care of me, and now she has gotten COVID. Lastly, my refrigerator stopped working Saturday afternoon and I spent Saturday night moving food to another refrigerator and freezer. Diagnosed the problem, but can't get needed parts until Tuesday. The local appliance parts store has them in stock for 120.00, but Amazon has the same ones for 22.00
Saved most of my food, and gave me time to clean out freezer and refrigerator.
artiejr said:
This week has been a nightmare. Yes, I am off dialysis for now. I got COVID on Tuesday this week. Wednesday is when it really kicked in. My wife was taking super care of me, and now she has gotten COVID. Lastly, my refrigerator stopped working Saturday afternoon and I spent Saturday night moving food to another refrigerator and freezer. Diagnosed the problem, but can't get needed parts until Tuesday. The local appliance parts store has them in stock for 120.00, but Amazon has the same ones for 22.00
Saved most of my food, and gave me time to clean out freezer and refrigerator.

I'm sorry to hear that @artiejr. It seems you are just striking out this past week. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers so that you can get that fridge fixed and you back to health. There's a Covid cold going around - they say it's a cold; but sheesh - took everything out of me.

Edit: if there is anything I can recommend now that you are off dialysis and if you are under the weather; stay hydrated if you are dehydrated - that way it will not exhaust your kidneys or hurt them by being dehydrated. I'm not a doctor - I just know when I was sick; I could barely pass urine as my body was taking all of my liquids. All I drank was water; which normally causes worsening leakage.

Blessings In Christ,
Doctor's are hoping COVID didn't affect my kidneys. they are going to monitor them closely. Drinking as much fluid as I am permitted to.
Very tired no, as COVID kicked my butt this week. Took a two hour nap around 530, when I woke up I had no idea where I was. Very deep sleep.
I know I have not been on as much as I use to. Got a new job and have been very busy with it. Good to see some of the regulars are still here.
It’s just been crazy busy for me. Honestly I haven’t been able to have enough time to look into the interstim device however since I am relatively stable currently with my MS I may just stay neutral and just accept my accidents and just wear diapers in the meantime. It doesn’t bother me to wear and since I have been wearing for so long I have just generally accepted my need to wear and just embrace that my urinary control nerves are slowly dying as a result of lesions due to my MS

Oh the joys but really I can still walk and still work and for that I am very grateful.


@Jason: Good to hear from you. MS is a fickle disease - sometimes you are better off leaving things alone in that regard; I am hopeful they will find a cure in the future for these damn diseases. But I admire your ability to allow it to not define you.

Something IC has done to me; I think I should take your advice in that sense. There's nothing wrong with accepting the things we cannot change - and wearing diapers has helped me through tough bladder pain and spasms; so it really comes down to quality of life.

So good to hear from you man.

Blessings In Christ,
My refrigerator went out on me over the weekend. Spent all day Monday cleaning it out and throwing lots of good food in the trash. Didn't know it went out until I checked and found food in the freezer was thawed out. Lost over 2,000 worth of food.
I have been off line for a while due to the effects of COVID. It kicked my butt. After I got it, my wife got it too. It takes a lot out of you, especially when you get older.
Still recovering,my cough still lingers on.
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