Staff member
At thirty-nine years old, I was taught life skills in school. This might have been part of being in special needs classes throughout grade school.
I learned typing, how to balance a checkbook, and how to do basic stuff to a car in driver's ed.
The one class that I think everyone needs to have is how to navigate all this crap when your health goes wrong. What and who to designate as a medical proxy in case stuff gets bad? What a living will is. How to sign up for medical insurance and what plans are worthwhile.
All this stuff I wish I knew going into this journey with my health.
So many times I am lost because it is not something that even my parents and grandparents have had to deal with.
I wish there was a what to do when your health takes a huge crap on you 101 class I could take to figure all this out.
I learned typing, how to balance a checkbook, and how to do basic stuff to a car in driver's ed.
The one class that I think everyone needs to have is how to navigate all this crap when your health goes wrong. What and who to designate as a medical proxy in case stuff gets bad? What a living will is. How to sign up for medical insurance and what plans are worthwhile.
All this stuff I wish I knew going into this journey with my health.
So many times I am lost because it is not something that even my parents and grandparents have had to deal with.
I wish there was a what to do when your health takes a huge crap on you 101 class I could take to figure all this out.