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I’ve been pretty depressed for a while. This issue is something that has knocked me down but just knowing there are people who can just be friends but also give good advice has gotten me to actually start cleaning my house. It’s a small step but I’ve been really down. I’m not saying it’s all peachy but I think a clean house will help me clean my mind a little, so to speak. We’re strange bedfellows but here we are. My bed has a plastic sheet on it but never the less. 😎 I’ll still have more questions but for now thank you.
Hang tough! There is always something new to try that might just make things a little better!
Yay for you for beginning to clean your house. You took that hardest first step. Now, sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labor.
Don't feel bad-I have been in and out of therapy for 6 years. Positive thoughts works-also exercise helps-playing bridge helped me a lot-keeping focus away from bad stuff. Sure I get crappy,tired,disgusted-etc. We need to do the best we can. We have no other alternatives but to live in the now. It is very hard, remember there are people who don't have clean water to drink-let alone worry about crossing their legs when they sneeze-just a joke. blessings-hang in there-lots of prayer helps also. I know all this stuff is just temporary-it is not eternal. Cleaning house is good-it always lifted me up.
You are going to be alright.
My house keeper used to have a business card that said " a clean house is a happy house!"
And she didnt judge me either.
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