So, A lot has happened if you have not read things that I have posted in the last bit.
I had my ileostomy closed. This was done at the hospital that I have all the problems with but with the only Doctor that I have trust in at that hospital.
The hospital had to schedule a follow-up with gastroenterology post-surgery but they did not do it. So when I went and called them out about it there was one big issue. I had a pre-surgery appointment to talk about another issue that was not part of this past surgery.
This brought up a bunch of things. I am seeing different doctors but within the same hospital due to still not having Medicaid and relying on that hospital's financial services. This is okay for now.
I did see a different GI doctor within this hospital before deciding on this surgery but they cannot be my new/main GI doctor because the one I have an issue with is still on my case.
I cannot go to other places until I get financial services done and this surgery happened very quickly.
Now I have to get things back moving. The only reason I did or am doing anything with this hospital is how fast things moved for surgery.
That is it. But.. The problems and issues are not over due to going back to what I was dealing with before I had my ileostomy.
Here is the issue. I hate all of this crap I am dealing with at this hospital. I would get rid of everyone on my care team but my surgeon. I do not have the funds to do that. This surgery without financial assistance would have required $1,600 out of pocket paid before they even set up the surgery.
With my income and cost of living, there is no way for me to do anything until I get things set up first.
I have looked into everything and there is nothing else that I can do but keep on doing what I can.
So, here is where things are. I got a second opinion from a different hospital, Hershey Medical) I got that opinion confirmed by a different GI doctor at the Hospital I have had issues with. The GI department at that Hospital could only give me an appointment with a PA-C in December (Set up before surgery and before deciding to undo my ileostomy)Talking to the surgeon set that down as needed for sure.
No Follow-up means no medications have been prescribed to keep things going like before (You know that nothing was right before so I do not want to go back to just taking what I was)
This also means that, again, this hospital has failed me.
That is why I have spent the last few days trying to get everything together as I will be getting a social worker involved with my total case this week.
I never got one before because the hospital just always got me a patient advocate and that fixed things. The advocates work for the hospital as the social worker works for the states.
I have a few family members who work at this hospital and are working with me to get everything that I need set up to do what is best for me.
It sucks but until I have everything set up cannot do much else.
As to the point of the main post. I am getting information to show just how bad things are not to do anything against this doctor but to show that I need someone different to take over my case. That cannot happen unless she lets me go, or I fire the whole department at that hospital. (It is the only level-one trauma center within life flight EMT distance from me) That would mean the only way I get seen by GI there would be in a life-saving situation. (I can swim but I am not ready to burn that bridge just yet.) There are a lot of tests that should have/ need to be down now that I am back to what was.
I am fighting and I do not give up no matter what. At this next appointment and this week, I am leaving the good ThatFLGuy at home and showing up ready to go to war. Like I said I have a few family members that work at this hospital so I got some help now.