Telemedicine Options


Staff member
I have overactive bladder but don't really like discussing it with my physician (for various reasons). I would love to be able to get this through a telemedicine channel. Does anyone know if there is a way or if that is possible?
I have never heard of such a thing. I’m in the US by the way. Perhaps they do this in other countries?
Many healthcare providers now give members access to and often promote tele-medicine. I know this is true in the U.S. and even in Canada. In short, it's a virtual office visit using your mobile device and/or your computer with a camera. If you are in the U.S and on Medicaid, this link may be helpfull:

If in the U.S., you may want to check your healthcare provider and explore your options. Often, these options are limited, and may require an actual office visit for anything deemed serious. However, they are good for consultations and in some cases, some medicines like antibiotics can be prescribed via tele-medicine.
The Medtronic InterStim Implant also works for both urinary and bowel incontinence. It works for bowel and urinary issues. You can Google it and find out exactly what it is and how it works. It has allowed me to have a life. I have had severe bowel incontinence due to child birth (45 years ago) and I finally got with the right GI doctor and I can finally leave my house....I still need to watch what I eat, but it has made such a difference. It has also helped my urinary urgency! For me it has been a 2 for 1 deal! I just don't understand why it took so long for GI dr here in the Pensacola, Fl area to find out about it...??? (Manufactured by Medtronic, the InterStim Therapy System is surgically implanted device designed to help patients reduce the number of urinary and bowel accidents. It is FDA-approved for patients with urinary or fecal incontinence who have failed to respond to, or could not tolerate, more conservative treatments.) sc
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