Talking with family and friends.


Staff member
My Mom has been having some problems over the years off and on, from what she's told me. She's known that I've been having some problems over the years too, but I've always been pretty reserved about it.

In the last couple years, she's been saying more to me about her problems becoming more often. Maybe she's been talking more about it to find out the extent of my issues. I don't know.

Finally, a while back, I just came out about it on the phone and told her everything. She also is resistant to trying diapers instead of pullups.

I do feel better for being open about it with her. I think in some ways maybe I'm her hero now. Some hero!

I had told my younger daughter about a year and a half ago when she came to visit me for a couple days. I just wanted to be up front about rather than it being an awkward surprise. We'd be sleeping in the same room and I was sure she would know.

So, for anyone worried about having "that conversation" with a friend or family member, it's not that bad and you'll feel better afterwards rather than continually struggling to keep hiding it. I'm about ready to tell the guy I work for too. He's kinda my best friend too.

So,for anyone thinking about it, my advice is, Be Bold, Be Honest, but that doesn't mean you have to shout it from the rooftops. Certain people don't need to know.
Happy for you with family's acceptance... Not everybody is this accepting but we don't need those folks in our lives.
I had no choice in the timing of letting people know, as it happened in an instant and I was in the hospital for 8-9 weeks afterward. So anyone coming to visit got to see more than I was prepared to share, but I was trussed up in traction to decompress my spine.
In hindsight I think it removed a huge burden as I’m sure I would have become a hermit for a while trying to build up the courage to share this.
I still had quite a few awkward moments as I rejoined society, but much more of it was along the lines of “ how long until that is healed?”
Almost without exception I got tremendous support from friends & family, and due in large part to a great nurse started dating again. Recently celebrated our 20th anniversary!
With all things, we move at a pace that is comfortable to us individually, and I congratulate you on this breakthrough. It’s amazing how much energy it requires to keep this stuff personal, it must feel great to breathe free again!
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