Swimming/ outdoor water activity


Staff member

As I am learning how to deal with this new stage in my life. I was hoping someone could provide input on how to approach water activities, and have to wear diapers. Going to the beach, kayaking, swimming. Your thoughts and suggestion would be appreciated.
Kevin82 said:

As I am learning how to deal with this new stage in my life. I was hoping someone could provide input on how to approach water activities, and have to wear diapers. Going to the beach, kayaking, swimming. Your thoughts and suggestion would be appreciated.

Check out swim mates they are disposable pull ups for adults designed for bowel incontinence mainly but seems to be the go to besides cloth containment garments.
Kevin82: When I am going swimming I will put a Male Guard pad in my swim trunks and bring a few extra pads in a beach bag along with a few disposal bags. Right before going in the water I will discreetly remove the pad, go swimming, and then after getting out of the water replace the pad at the next (discreet) opportunity. It takes a bit of courage to do this but it can work as I've done it many times, even with others around. One tip, a big beach towel is your friend! Hope this helps.
It's great that you found a way to handle this issue instead of giving up he activity. I'm so pleased that somebody with a good idea came up with a way to help "disabled" people to live a good life. There are so many alternatives to just sitting at home feeling left out.
Amen to that, @ritanofsinger! And @Kevin82 I also think the Swim Mates are worth checking out. And although you are in a different stage of life it's good to see you have no plans or intentions on giving up on swimming, kayaking or just going to the beach!:D Have fun, be confident and try not to get sun-burned!:eek:
I have had good luck using the Pacey Cuff medical penis clamp when swimming, kayaking, hiking, the whole nine yards. I use a pad with the Cuff when doing dry activities, and the Cuff alone when swimming. It really depends on your comfort level and how “active” you intend to be.

Good luck to you and I hope you find a solution that works! We went to Hilton Head on a family vacation in July, and I kept thinking that probably half the “old guys” on the beach we incontinent just like us!
@paace: Even though a couple of the sources you mention say they are also for urinary containment the main use for all of these is fecal containment. As is even mentioned in one of the sources making an actual "seal" around the human body is nearly impossible so they really don't work for urine very well, but I guess they might be better than nothing. Thing is even if they did work and contained the urine perfectly what are you going to do with it when you get out of the water?
@boasammy: to the best of my knowledge there isn't a product specifically designed for urine containment in the water and I have looked. If there is such a product hopefully someone here will let us know!
All that said I do like the idea of the Pacey Cuff and am going to have to get one and see how well they work.
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