Supra Punic catheter


Staff member
Wondering if anyone has had experience with a suprapubic catheter,or has anyone heard opinions about them In addition to the medication for spasms, the doctor offered to put in a suprapubic catheter to help with the issues of cathing 4-5 times per day. I had not heard anything about it but the thought of not catching is VERY intriguing. Thank you in advance for your responses.
It’s a good option if your system doesn’t work at all, I’m not a fan of surgeries but if you have to catheterize yourself in order to drain your urine it’s worth a shot I’d say. But I do t think this is reversible either so just make sure you know the risks and benefits.
Why a suprapubic as opposed to a urethral catheter? I’m a foley cath user and have used one since 2014. Just curious why that wouldn’t have been presented as an option.
Good question on the Foley. I actually have had the Foley. It is a difficult option with the activities I participate in. There were things I LOVED about it too. I restating close to a liter with no feeling, so the intermittent cath works but hard to road bike, mtn bike etc. I’m not sure the Supraoubic would be a better option but being able to go normally into a bathroom and drain with no added materials is a pleasing thought. It actually is reversible if needed. All good thought so far thank you
@PBJ32 hi there, I might consider a Foley rather than the intermittent catheters and Botox I'm using at the moment. Do you get many UTIs? If not, any tips on avoiding them? Cheers Phil
@Koli the closest I came to a suprapubic was when my bladder neck closed up, but the surgeon decided to operate on me straight away rather than waiting until the morning. Sorry I can't help you with this question, Phil
Koli, I can see where mountain biking would be difficult with a foley in. Though there isn’t much I can’t do with mine in.
Phil, in 5 years I’ve had 4 UTI’s. Generally I have my foley changed weekly, and typically no more than two weeks. I change from night bag to leg bag in the morning and back to night bag at nighttime. I clean the bags when I change them with vinegar & water or bleach & water on alternate days. I find keeping the bags clean makes a difference. Showering daily and washing with soap and water helps too.
I have had a suprapubic catheter since May 2013. It has worked quite well for me. I had an accident in January 2013 resulting in spinal damage and paralysis. I have limited use of my hands. I used to get urinary tract infections but these were quickly cleared with Nitrofurantoin. Between January and July 2016 I had a series of catheter blockages. Then I realised that the same bacteria were causing both infections and blockages. So I started to use Nitrofurantoin to prevent rather than to cure infections (the dosage is different): both infections and blockages stopped immediately. If you are thinking of getting a suprapubic catheter, this site might be useful to you:
@BarrySimpson94 just as a matter of interest, what keeps the catheter in place? Is it just that the hole is very small? Just curious, cheers Phil
@physlink a filter catheter has a balloon at the end that is filled with saline solution. That keeps it from passing trough the urinary sphincter(s)
@Spaz hi Spaz, I was curious about what keeps a suprapubic catheter in place. Does that also have a balloon that is filled with saline? Cheers Phil

I can use a valve to swim but don’t typically use it for much else, and definitely not for anything longer than a couple hours. I am able to pee on my own. The reason for the foley is the fact that I’m in the bathroom 20-30 times a day. So using the valve would defeat the purpose of having the foley to reduce the effects of severely overactive bladder.
@PBJ32 thanks for answering all the questions. Like you I have OAB. I don't get urges as often as you, but the spasms I get can be so strong that my bowels leak as well. At the moment the Botox injections I had are starting to wear off and I am rediscovering what it is like to get spasms again and the resultant total bladder loss. I'm usually a decisive person, but I really don't know what to do for the best. My consultant wants me to try a higher dose of Botox and if that doesn't work, she wants me to try sacral nerve therapy. It is a great help to hear about options from people who use them, so thanks again for your help, Phil
I self cath 4-6 times per day, anytime I want a Foley they want me to come in period, I know how to insert one but they want to control that, ok, I do have a Foley inserted for a week monthly to dilate, which they whole heartily agree, yes its much larger then a normal one, but it works, and I have wonderful PCP support.
I could have a suprapubic inserted tomorrow if I wanted, but I don't want it, I need and want the freedom, yes I will need one, in fact my PCP told me in time I will be what is called, "chronic Foley" ok, yes, but I keep going my way right now.
Think about your options, be strong and tell them what you want, and not what they want,,,,period.
I found that an herbal supplement called Shao Yao Gan Cao Tang works better than the prescription meds I’ve tried. It is a mixture in pill form of Peony and Licorice. I take 4 capsules that are 500mg each.
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