Sudden incontinence 7 years after prostatectomy


Staff member
Hi All,

After having only mild dripping for the past 6 years, I suddenly, for the past month, use up 3-4 big pads per day. Anyone else have a similar situation, and if so, how was it treated?

I'm sorry to hear that your incontinence has gotten worse you might need to switch from pads to heavier protection
I haven’t had a prostatectomy, however I went from continent to incontinent over the course of several days. I’ve had ultrasounds, cystoscope, urodynamics, MRI and electromyography but no diagnosis as of yet. I’d recommend a good Urologist and hope you have some success with a diagnosis.
Sorry to hear your sad story. If pads or diapers don't work, the next step may be an external collection device, ie. a leg bag
You are not alone. I had the same, except it corresponded with two other severe medical events, so how do I chose? The Doctors refused to. Did get all the tests. All that did was eliminate possibilities,, albeit some would be dire (cancer, for example). Then the medical professions' response is, "sorry charlie. Medicine wants answers that we can charge a lot of money for, not ones we can't." That translates to "We don't know why, so go away." Sometimes they add, "It's all in your head", or "it's all in your (Choosing) getting diabetes". Or other excuses or other ways to "blame the victim".
Good luck. If you can, find a better Urologist, but read this blog. Report back if you find success at any level!
A story I've told before that you have probably missed: the easy answer is just stop the leakage and the problem goes away... the difficult detail is, how does one do that? I would normally use three pads per day, also. I leak all day and to a lesser degree every night. I've solved my issue, not with any device that is presently on the market, but with a soft silicone device that my engineer partner and I have designed and filed a patent on, after development and volunteer testing. I would be happy to include you in our test group and forward one for you to try. I often wear mine up to 22 hours a day, particularly if I have hydrated, one way or another, in the evening. Because it is of flexible material to ensure comfort, it is to be used with a backup pad for the occasional moments of stress leakage; call it a management system. Let me know if you have an interest. (no cost to you, but feedback on your experience.) Duane
Thx for asking; every volunteer adds input to our data base, which we value greatly. I will be forwarding you a note and an instruction sheet, with other info, separately. Various iterations of our product have been in use for over three years and so we aren't really guessing as to its effectiveness.
Regards, Duane
I can volunteer to help as well I do require heavier protection

Fynlee said:
Thx for asking; every volunteer adds input to our data base, which we value greatly. I will be forwarding you a note and an instruction sheet, with other info, separately. Various iterations of our product have been in use for over three years and so we aren't really guessing as to its effectiveness.
Regards, Duane
Fynlee said:
A story I've told before that you have probably missed: the easy answer is just stop the leakage and the problem goes away... the difficult detail is, how does one do that? I would normally use three pads per day, also. I leak all day and to a lesser degree every night. I've solved my issue, not with any device that is presently on the market, but with a soft silicone device that my engineer partner and I have designed and filed a patent on, after development and volunteer testing. I would be happy to include you in our test group and forward one for you to try. I often wear mine up to 22 hours a day, particularly if I have hydrated, one way or another, in the evening. Because it is of flexible material to ensure comfort, it is to be used with a backup pad for the occasional moments of stress leakage; call it a management system. Let me know if you have an interest. (no cost to you, but feedback on your experience.) Duane

Hi, I would be interested in knowing more. Kind regards,

@dfish55 I have leaked ever since my prostate surgery, but it does get much worse if I get an infection. Have you had your urine tested to rule out an infection? What does your doc say about the change?
After my prostatectomy (unilateral 'nerve sparing') I never regained continence. Since then, my incontinence has gradually grown worse and I wear pull-ups during the day and a full diaper at night. This is fine because it has been gradual.
Yours suddenly got a lot worse? As some of the others have said, check for a UTI.If it isn't something like a UTI consider switching to more protection such as pull-ups or a diaper. Don't worry, this isn't 'giving up'; instead, you would be handling your issues in the most efficient way that you can. I am always willing to discuss the consequences of prostate cancer surgery with my fellow survivors so message me if you want!
I got dry after a slow start then was dry till 50's the incontinence came in been this way for 20+yrs hope you have better luck.
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