Post RP FOR 6 years at 76. Before RP urologist scoffed that I worried about possible incontinence with, “What you! You’ll have no trouble” because I was in athletic condition for 70yrold. Of course 6 years later still needing 2 pads/day. No nighttime. The true wonder is remaining cancer free at <0.1. Still athletic, though a real challenge with incontinence. I have questioned stats on recovery status since year one post op. Docs and patients move, retire, die, etc., so who tracks post op patients. Where do stats come from - seem very unreliable. Meanwhile, we victims/survivors, take cold comfort that we’re alive and urologists are off the hook. That’s until they engage us in further procedures to lessen incontinence. I do believe the younger guys (before 60-65) will heal better and quicker than us older guys. Though lots of guys have had success with sling, AUS, many still need pad(s), reinstalls, replacements, removal. Most tolerate 4-7 months of scrotum post intervention procedure pain, hoping for dryness. There have been few and far between success stories of older guys who have won the battle with cancer incontinence, and ED. But I don’t think Kegels are the reason. BTW, there are lots of other pelvic floor exercises. Stay cancer free!