Send some to my part of ireland as we only get snow that's deep enough to play in about every 10 years.
Y’all send some powdery stuff down south here in South Carolina please. We had a tease of it last week that lasted 10 minutes. My dogs, the two labs love it. However, the basset hound drags his privates in it and is not fond of it.
And while you're sending it to South Carolina please send some down here to Florida while you're at it!!!
It never snows here but only gets cold🥶🥶🥶🥶 as all get-out!!! And it's going to get like that this weekend!!!
Dmorris said:
Y’all send some powdery stuff down south here in South Carolina please. We had a tease of it last week that lasted 10 minutes. My dogs, the two labs love it. However, the basset hound drags his privates in it and is not fond of it.
Hahaha !!! The poor dog!
Let us switch places, please! When I heard about the giant snowstorm coming to the East Coast, I tried to get a flight and a hotel out there so I could be a part of it, but most of the flights have been canceled and the remaining ones were absolutely sold out. Yes, that is how much I like snow. We have had the driest January on record. Last year was the driest January on record also. There are no storms forecast at this time. Hello, these are the Rocky Mountains! It’s horrible. At least it has been cold, which I love. I love wearing coats. I love how cozy winter makes me feel. So, hopefully next time I can make the snow chase to the east coast happen! I can work from anywhere!
Hi, Guys & Gals. Plow man was here yesterday, spend 3 hours cleaningup with snowblower today. 23 degrees, and the snowshoe hares are quite happy.

No idea if this worked. A "forum link" is what appeared.
In case all you hot weather people are wondering, that cord is to the Block Heater. The truck gets quite unhappy if you try to start if below 20 degrees. The cord is plugged into a receptical at the well-head. The log is to keep people from running into said well-head.
@AlasSouth It worked! I can see your photo :) I can tell the pine trees have that special Nordic stuntedness. I like your new profile photo!
Hi, snow. Thanks! If it looks like an evergreen, here, it's a White Spruce. Don't ask me why the "white". I've no idea. The Spruce in the background are probably 60 feet or so. They grow skinny but tall.
Next photo? Maybe some snowshoe hair footprints on our porch?
Snow was so light-weight, last one, that even the bunnies were sinking in.
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