Still some dribbling post-prostatectomy


Staff member

I'm a 63-year-old man who had a radical prostatectomy in 2018.

I subsequently had an inguinal hernia, likely a complication of the prostatectomy; the first repair attempt (by my urologist) failed but a second attempt succeeded.

I've worked hard to recover my urinary continence through work with a specialized physiotherapist. I can carry out strenuous activities, such as lifting weights and martial arts with almost never any incontinence.

However, I often have tiny leaks on standing. I may feel a bit of wetness, but most often I just perceive that there's something in my urethra and when I go to the toilet, a few drops come out. It occurs most frequently late in the day, which I was told was due to pelvic floor fatigue, so I increased my work on holding at 30% tension.

But there are many confounding factors. First, this may start early in the day, before I have caused fatigue. Second, I can go days at a time with no leakage, and yet have other days when it starts and goes all day, becoming continuous incontinence.

I can't see a clear correlation with caffeine, spices, alcohol, stress or the usual suspects.

Do any other men experience something similar? Any insights or solutions?

Thank you.


Every word is exactly my situation with the possible exception of doing martial arts.

I have learned to accept and adapt.

The minor inconvenience of an occasional dribble is worth the peace of mind of being cancer free.

Here, here, Greensleeves. Amazing how we can adapt to things we never would have imagined we could given the appropriate motivation. Stay healthy
I'm also in the same boat Seamus. My RP was in 2020. I can go 4 or 5 days being dry or essentially dry. It’s just long enough for me to start to think I have this thing licked. Then I'll have a little bit of dribbling. Consequently, I wear a pad every day. Not a big deal, but I agree it would be nice to understand why I have an occasional off day.

That said, I do still dribble during a vigorous walk. The first mile or two is fine, but then some dribbling starts and seems to continue to the end of the walk. Go figure. I'm just glad there's no dribbling during other normal activities, including weight lifting.
Shamus! (Just like the pro wrestler) lol. A celtic warrior from Dublin Ireland!

Instead in this case the IP is from Canada.

In regards to the content matter - post void dribbling is normal regarding a bladder condition. I suffer from that as well - and it may be because of the bladder still spasming post void.

It's something that's not fun at all - and can ruin your underpants if too many trips are taken to the bathroom.

I hope you are well- I am praying for you.

Many thanks to all for kindly responding.

If ever anyone comes up with an explanation for why this periodic dribbling comes and goes, with good and bad periods, I would be gratified if you'd let me know.

Had a really good day few days ago. Was able to hold bladder and incontinence was pretty good. Our weather got cold and last 2 days have been a leak fest. Not sure if weather was issue but something was different.

I don’t know about others, but for me there is a direct correlation between physical activity and dribbling.

The last ten days I have been on walks daily, not vigorous but in the 5,000 to 6,000 steps range. I have been virtually dry.

I notice if I lay off walking or exercise for a couple of days the dribbles return.

The caveat is if I drink wine or liquor in the evening I am more susceptible to leakage with or without exercise.

I’d be interested to hear others experiences.

My physical activity has been about the same. Walk about 2-3 miles. Drink just water throughout the day. No alcohol. One cup of coffee in AM.
Similar picture here. I'm drinking decaf which seems to be less a diuretic than caffeinated. Alcohol definately makes things worse, which makes total sense but the worst alcohol is beer, and I'm not sure it's only because of the quantity of liquid imbibed. Sitting is better than standing and moving around And beyond whatever I've drunk or done, things get worse in the evening. I can use 1 pad from the morning until 4 or 5pm but then need to change again before bed. But it's a process and it'll be better tomorrow. Hope so for the rest of you too
Hi! I recommend using QueSoft continence products. They're much thinner, cheaper and discreet, they don't even feel like you've got them on. You can order through their website at
Thanks for your responses, guys. Just getting back to the forum after having been unwell a few weeks. I'm intrigued by mentions of physical activity, caffeine, and alcohol. I have a hard time making correlations. I'll aim to increase my walking and light running to see if that helps.

I'm uncertain whether weight-lifting and abdominal exercises make it worse. Anyone have any insights about that?

Curiously, when I've found myself in a non-stop dribbling cycle on a given day, sometimes a beer has stopped it. Because I sat down and relaxed?

I also find that it worsens at about 4 or 5 pm. Anyone have a remedy to "reset" the external sphincter or pelvic floor or whatever it is?
I have not drank any alcohol since my RP in September so can’t help with that question, but my incontinence seems to get a little worse late in my 12 hour shifts at work.
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