Still no results.


Staff member
I had a feeling that I would be waiting after the test for results. I feel like they are trying to figure out what to do next and that is why no results yet. I have been praying that I would have them before Sunday so that I can talk to work about what all this will mean for me but not yet. I just hope for answers in any way as I hate being in limbo about my health.
Too much for them to get together and talk about before the wknd I would guess. Let's all be glad you hot the tests over with and enter a new chapter. Tho it may or may not be the chapter you want, at least know you will be able to focus on a defined problem....and we will be here for you
Hi FL guy, Quite frankly I'm not surprised you don't have your results yet. That's just how the medical business (and it is a business) functions. The test was done Thursday and it's now just Saturday. I totally get that you are really anxious and only want to get on with treatment as well as keep your workplace updated on what is going on. But except for emergencies, medical functions such as labs, radiology, etc. treats weekends just like banks, mortgage offices, investment firms, loan departments, etc. would, that is no business done on the weekends! Not much comfort for someone anxiously awaiting results but they also have to go through the results and that takes a good number of people to read them and sign off on them before final approval and releasing the results to your doctor. Did they give you any kind of a "ballpark estimate" when you left? If I have something like that done, I would ask, "I know you nay not know exactly, but can you give me a ballpark on when I might know something?" That way they know you mean business and they're on your radar screen. The more astute practitioners will then realize that you won't leave them alone until they give you some answers! I know it seems like it's taking forever. And as Doug said up above, do know that we will all be here for you, no matter what the results are. Wishing you a good rest of the weekend and please try to take your mind off it and find something fun to do!:D
I agree that you would probably feel better if you try to take your mind off of your wish to know the results now. Meditating, meditative breathing, yoga, etc. could help you now, if you are familiar with these practices. Try to focus on the present moment. Notice when you're thinking about getting your results, and ask yourself to turn to refocus on your experience of the present moment. Finding something to do is a good idea. Plan to call your doctor first thing Monday morning. Let your boss know that you are awaiting test results. Wishing you well.
Most results aren’t given over the phone... though with COVID, who knows, these days. Usually, you’re given your results at an appointment at the doctor’s office, so they can thoroughly explain everything to you, make a plan, and answer your questions. I wouldn’t expect an answer until your next appointment, unfortunately. Maybe your patient advocate can help you get into an emergency appointment?
That's been my experience. If I have a carotid scan or echocardiogram done they set up an appointment for me to come in and talk about the results. I had those tests done just before the Covid outbreak and already had the results appointment made but the office cancelled them and told me if they had found anything to worry about on those tests they would have called me in. And that was the way it was done when I've had two colonoscopies with an appointment in hand after have those done.
Yes, same with me every time I’ve received my radiology results, sleep test results, et al. You don’t get the results until your next appointment, unless they tell you something different. They only usually only call if nothing is wrong.
snow said:
Yes, same with me every time I’ve received my radiology results, sleep test results, et al. You don’t get the results until your next appointment, unless they tell you something different. They only usually only call if nothing is wrong.

That is what I am worried about, I felt like my doctor was apprehensive about telling me anything after the first part of the test and she said she was going to get with my main GI doctor and decided on what needs to be checking out next. That worries me because I felt like the test didn't go well from the beginning so now I am waiting. Big thing is that I don't want to wait until the already scheduled follow up which is not tell October. I need to get an answer so that I can decide what I can or can't do. Big reason for this is that my lease for my apartment renewal is the end of October so I have to make up my mind as to what I am doing and how I can deal with it because my landlord will not except certain things (ie HUD or something like that)

I'm going to see if I need a sooner follow up because they will not tell me over the app and I will need more testing no matter what anyway but so of that will be with other doctors.

Biggest thing is that once I have an answer then I can to figure out what I need from work or if I need to start an actual disability claim.
What a mess. I agree you need a diagnosis and solution ASAP, for so many reasons. I suggest contacting your patient advocate tomorrow to insist that your testing progresses ASAP.

Perhaps you can tell your landlord you’re experiencing medical health challenges and ask if you can sign a 3-month lease. I’ve had to do that before when I was changing cities but needed to stay just another month longer. My landlord had no problem with that.
Hi FLGuy, I do sense the dilemma you're in and I can appreciate why you need to know what is going on with you ASAP, if not sooner! I like Snow's suggestion to contact that patient advocate tomorrow. And tell her exactly what you told us about your lease is expiring at the end of October and that you want to definitely know what direction you're going to need to take. With all of that in mind, there is no way you can wait for a follow up appointment in October and it isn't even September yet! And also tell her that you're going to need info for your disability claim and need something definitive to tell the people at work. We need to impress on those medical people that, believe it or not, all of us have lives outside of spending time in their waiting rooms and treatment rooms.
I really sympathize with your impression that you sensed the doctor felt something was making her apprehensive. As humans we can usually sense something like that, even though our anxiety may not always be warranted. I wonder if they cover that in med school? When doctors do testing like that, I found that they keep a poker face and are reluctant to "show their hand" as it were. They keep the cards close to their chests. Okay so why am I using poker analogies all of a sudden? ;)
This may help you next time. It's what I do. When I'm having a test I try to establish a rapport with whoever is doing the test so they will WANT to do their best for me. I've had a couple of carotid scans and echocardiograms in the past couple of years. A really nice lady was doing them and I told her right from the beginning, "I'm going to keep a close watch on your eyes. If I see them light up and you get a surprised look, and you go running out of the office, screaming "'Doctor! Doctor!' then I'm going to really get worried!"
She enjoyed that and the subsequent times I always mentioned that and we had a good rapport. Unfortunately she doesn't work there any longer. So I'm going to have to start all over again the next time.:(
They have to assimilate everything...results arent black and white. They say one good thing to you and tell you more data coming then the more data is bad then you say " I thought you sais...". People hear what they want and under stress the most they can remember is 3 things, and then they might not understand that. Thoroughness and thoughtfulness is being practiced in your case.
My recent heart ultrasounds were post online for me to see 5 days before my next appt. Fast, but what if there had been mention of a tumor, etc. I would rather hear from him, not try to decipher it myself.
Hmmmm! @Doug, taking candy to your cardiology office is an interesting concept indeed!:D And I think it's really smart because you do want to get them on your side!
There is nothing worse than having something done and the technician or doctor in attendance says, "It looks good." And then after completing test they find something not so good and as you said, it becomes a case of "But I thought you said....." That will really ruin any further relations with that practice.
Something like that happened to me, although not in a medical setting. I have my taxes done by the AARP tax aide which is free. Great price but sometimes it shows you get what you pay for!:( The preparer said, "Looks like you're not going to owe anything this year."
Great!!! But then he paused and said, "Uhm, I just have to check one more thing here. Be just be a minute."
He looked up and said, "It looks like you're going to need to pay $230." Ow!!!:(:(:(
And if something like that happens in a medical setting then that can really ruin your day! :(
They did good work for me, saving me time in scheduling blood work while i was in office. I had already joked a bit with them, so this kinf of a reward. $5. Even a $1 little box from walmart would say i appreciate you
Be genuine, make sure it includes more than one person so you dont look like you are a perv. Be dicreet, "thanks for doing xyz for me last week. It really saved me a lot of time, worry etc"
Once again a small investment that pays big! The front office staff are the ones who can "squeeze you in" when you most need it! And if you need to change your appointment, once again it's the ones in front who do it for you, or if you need to get in touch with the nurse and so on. Now that you mention it, if any one can bake, then a plate full of chocolate chip cookies for the office (front and back staff) to share may elevate you to sainthood! But if we're talking cardiologists here, would chocolate chip cookies be appropriate? :eek:
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