Still leaking and now heart issues


Staff member
15 months post prostatectomy/diverticulotomy, and I'm still leaking. Sometimes a little, some times a lot. As a result, I'm still wearing diapers. I'm to the point, that wearing a diaper will become my new kind of underwear. It isn't as bad as I thought it would be. I'm even not as embarrassed or anxious having a nurse or doctor see me in one. However, now I have been diagnosed with Ventricular Tachycardia. I will be having a nuclear stress test on Tuesday. I understand that along with exercising during the test, you are filled with a liquid/dye of some kind. So, I guess I will be wearing a diaper for that test as well. This test should help the cardiologist determine what's going on where, and what the next course of action should be. Getting old is not for sissies. Stay tuned.
You're right about that. I had some kind of similar test last year and wore protection through it. I thought I would have problems but did not. Praying for you.
Hi Damp,I had the Nuclear stress test last year.

Results were normal.

I agree about getting old. Golden years my Assets. :)

I am 81 yoa, and trying to cope with Urge Incontinence OAB
for the past 6 months,

Good Luck with the stress test.
Well, I had my nuclear stress test, and nothing abnormal was indicated. However, since my holter monitor and ECG tests did show some irregularities, I now will be having an angiogram with the possibility of an angioplasty/stent. I believe that test is performed by having a catheter placed into an artery in either the groin or arm. A dye is sent through the catheter to give the cardiologists a more vivid picture of what's going on. Has anyone had an angiogram, and if so what was your experience. As usual being incontinent and wearing a diaper, my anxiety level tends to rise. I sure hope this new test will give the cardiologists enough data to finally determine what is going on.
After over three weeks trying to find out what is going on with my heart, I now know a little more. I have had almost every test that is heart centered. I met with a different cardiologist today. He indicated that my problems are multiple in number. My blood pressure is way too high...160/100 today and that's with taking two blood pressure medications, I have some degree of intraventricular myocardial bridging, an EKG reading that is really strange, and some symptoms. All this makes it difficult to provide some course of action. As a result, I will be taking another blood pressure medication...low dose metoprolol. In addition I will have an MRI of my heart which should detect any thickening of the heart muscle, the extent of the bridging, or any scar tissue. I am really learning a lot about how complicated that muscle is. I always thought that I was a pretty healthy guy. I'm not over weight...around 140lbs. and used to run marathons. Needless to say, the anxiety associated with these new developments hasn't helped with my incontinence issues. However, being seen wearing a diaper is becoming more comfortable. It doesn't bother me much any more.
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