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I've been getting bladder spasms for about a year now not all the time. Most days I will be dry have no issues but every couple of weeks I get a spasm and when it happens I have no control of my bladder it empty's without warning I wear tape on diapers to help with the problem. this can last up to a couple of days until it settles down. I mentioned this to my urologist and I was amazed that 50% of the patients he meets has this problem.
I can't speak for anyone with the complex reasons for the issues we have but I cut back to a single cup of coffee and all drinks except water. It took a long time to figure out the issue of spasms receeded completely for me once I adhered to this routine.
I don't drink excessive amounts of water now but I'm mindful to drink it because I was getting spasms in the day or night and not anymore.
Nappyman - with 50% of the urologist's patients having the spasm problem is he/she doing any research to figure out why this is happening?
Are your spasms painful? I will wake up in the night sometimes to very painful spasms. My urologist gave me a script for Hyoscyamine which I put under my tongue, and the pain goes away very quickly. It is amazing. I had a bad one the other night which caused a major “accident” in bed. I’ve had a SPC for 2 years and discovered the catheter was completely blocked for the first time. Luckily my home health nurse was able to come over right away to change it. Now being checked for possible UTI.
I always have painful bladder spasms that also radiate down my arms. I have many during the day and they wake me during the night. I can feel them coming on like a big wave cresting in the ocean. I have found that Gabapentin helps but I can’t take those right now since I am being worked up by the specialist at MUSC. I also have found that a muscle relaxant like Flexeril helps but I only use that at night and I still wake up but not as often. Last night was really bad because I woke up and had to change my night time diaper routine 7 times. They think a peripheral nerve stimulator put in my back may have migrated and has caused the bladder pain and the arm pain.
I started to have spasms in June, and immediately after would feel like I had to pee really bad, so I would run to the toilet.
In July things changed. I would have a spasm and then start wetting and couldn't stop.
By October I had the bladder control of a 1 year old, where I was having fewer spasms but was constantly leaking without even knowing it. I was referred to a urologist who confirmed that it was caused by my herniated disc.
I had surgery in November and following surgery I no longer have any spasms, but I also don't have any bladder control either. The doctors agree that if I don't see any improvement soon I should expect to be wearing diapers for the rest of my life.
It is so common a thread here that bladder control and back injury are connected also sometimes surgery has after effects.
We support each other in coping mechanisms and overtime many move to a peaceful state of mind and focus on the good parts of our lives.
Welcome to hear your voice.
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