Sometimes we are our own worst enemy..

Hi, Billliveshere! I loaded live domestic turkeys on trucks, to earn money in college (in the midwest). Wild turkeys are good a escaping hunters - could even be called smart. Domestic turkeys, those white things, define the word DUMB. Dumber (more dumb?) than Spruce Grouse. I have some stories....

MayMay! No snakes in Alaska: the mosquitoes took them all home to feed their young.
In northern Illinois, it was the diamond-back rattlers. Once in a while, you'd see a Water Moccasin in the Mississippi River - the very northern edge of their (it's i before e, except in "their") range. THAT'S when you need extra thick pads.... No thanks!

It was a great Thanksgiving, in spite of everything, and I hope everyone else had a good one. It really lifted our spirits.
Hi @AlasSouth, Yes it is the domestic turkeys that are dumb. Being raised on farms I'm sure they don't get out much! At the nature center where I volunteer we have a good flock of wild turkeys in our woods. I see them strutting all over the place, like in our driveway and in back of the museum. For some strange reason they don't show up much when the kids are here on a field trip. Then again we haven't had any field trips for what seems like 57 years at this point!
As for snakes, rattlesnakes aren't around the nature center since they prefer higher and drier environments. We have woodlands but they can be kind of wet during high water such as after a hurricane. But we do have water moccasins in our swampy area. Sometimes we see them sunning themselves in the bushes. We point them out to the kids but we are always on the boardwalk which is higher than the snake areas. Boardwalks are a must for a nature center that has a wetlands area.
I don't know if anyone else here on the forum has tried Ghirardelli chocolates. They are really good. They make a double chocolate cake mix and bars that are out of this world.
I remember Ghirardelli chocolates from my Navy days stationed in Monterey, Calif. Free days spent in San Fran and cable car rides to Ghirardelli Square where you can have your fill of Ghirardelli chocolates etc. Anything made by that company was great!
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