Size matters, our internal organs that is


Staff member
Im wondering if anyone has been told they have large bladders small bladders extra long intestines?
Im guessing on this, that we are not all created equal
I've been told I have a long colon. I believe our interiors differ just like our exteriors and that yes it does make a difference.

Also women have extra things like uteri that compete for space with their bladders and that doesn't help either.
@Maymay941 that's an interesting question. I think my bladder is normal size, whatever that is. I have been told that the last part of my colon is longer than usual and that this could explain my ongoing problems with constipation. Just as an aside I was born with half a kidney missing! Cheers Phil
When did they discover your missing bit of kidney Phil? Were you incontinent from early life with that condition?
@Maymay941 I was 25 when this was found. This was the first time the medical profession took my wetting and constipation seriously. I had been a regular wetter until early teens, my teens was more a problem of retention and then the wetting started again in my early 20's when I first got prostatitis, Phil
When the urology dept did all the tests on me - isn't the ones for females the same as for men? - they didn't say anything about size. They use ultra sound to determine if bladder is full, if it empties completely or how near to complete (They state some retention is normal.) They do measurements to see how much you produce. They use those fiber-optic probes to look for anything wrong. Various blood and urine tests looking for anything wrong or right.
When they did the prostatectomy in 2003, incontinence wasn't an issue prior to operation. One change was they took out a portion of the ureatra for testing, no cancer there but surely shorten one affects things?
And i don't want to know what the full charges are without Medicare and Insurance.
The Urology department was good size, and I'm still not sure how seriously they take incontinence. They offer a lot of support for cancer, heart issues, etc. Some things, like diabetes, you have to ask for support, but they have it. Not very darned much for incontinence. When it comes to quality of life, sometimes the last thing their minds is just that.
I wonder because of the expressions like "i have a small bladder". One of my clients told me she was blessed with big bowels.
I had a large bladder from years of over filling, then I had 2 years of Foley catheter up in my bladder that shrank it to a size of a very small tangerine, now after several dilations, and other procedures, I can only imagine what it is.
I was told during a bladder scope that my bladder was small, about 300 ml when she had to stop filling it.
After years of putting off seeing a urologist, I finally was referred to one due to my enlarged prostate and increasing PSA. After a gazillion tests and procedures it was determined that I had a very large bladder, and multiple diverticulum. The urologist said that my bladder is a mess...his words. Eventually, after more tests cancer was found in the prostate, and I elected for a prostatectomy combined with a diverticulotomy. The diverticulum that was removed was about the size of a grapefruit. The combined history of a large bladder, and diverticulum is what contributed to my poor control. It's been over two years since my prostatectomy, and my incontinence is the same. Some days better then others. I am now dealing with a number of heart issues. Having to wear diapers is not that big of deal anymore in comparison to heart problems.
Maymay941 said:
Im wondering if anyone has been told they have large bladders small bladders extra long intestines?
Im guessing on this, that we are not all created equal

My wife tells me I must have a hollow leg when she sees me eat to much.
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