Should I get radiation


Staff member
Had my prostate out last april
After three months had a psa of 2.3
One month later psa was 3.8
Started lupron and nubeqa
One month later psa was 1.1
One month after that it was undetectable
The surgeon said maybe we shouldn’t do radiation
The medical oncologist said we should do radiation in April
None of the scans mri, ct scan, or bone scan or pet scan could find cancer

How do I decide what to do
First Happy Thanksgiving.

Ok personally, what does your gut tell you? I probably understand is getting radiation down there changes probably your sexual needs. Have they told you what to expect after the radiation? But being here means more, doesn't it? boom
I think you should get at least another opinion. If your PSA continues to be undetectable in an
ultrasensitive PSA test Id be very hesitant especially since the scans are negative.
You might ask for a MRI/PET scan using Axumin as a "contrast "
Are you located where you can get high-quality care?
Happy Thanksgiving! I have great care at the Mayo Clinic in PHX. I am still 5 months from radiation but just trying to get a much information as I can
At three months post RP, my PSA was undetectable. At almost 5 months, I had a work physical where the PSA came back at 0.023. One doc said that until very recently, oncologists would only act when PSA was 2.0 or higher, post-RP. However, my other docs said that very recent research indicated that I would face better outcomes if we did salvage radiation and the hormone therapy immediately. That’s what I chose to do, and started the same week I got the positive PSA. So far, 16 months after radiation, all my PSAs have been undetectable. So, get some different opinions, then make YOUR choice.
I had radiation twice after surgery with the psa's about the same as yours. The first didn't lower it then I had Cyberknife radiation. It didn't work so went on Lupron. 30 days later became incontinent.(PSA's now undetectable)

Doctor suggested it was possibly caused by radiation treatments.
I would get at least another opinion.
If your psa is undetectable I personally wouldn’t go for radiation. After 2.5 years since surgery my psa is thankfully holding at 0.006. Best of luck with whatever you decide.
You misunderstood what I said it is undetectable now was above 4 before radiation and stayed that way until Lupron.
I am going to try to get all of my doctors together before I have to make any decisions. Thanks for your comments.

I would get 2nd opinion from separate oncologists...

Also, would ask my current team to explain why radiation is even being considered necessary w/ no PSA.
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I'm 5 months out from prostate removal and my PSA after 2 months was. 05 and tested a month ago and it was still 05.. so is that not good and does that mean I might need radiation I seem to be kind of left in the dark about it.. plus I have Ed that we haven't been able to do anything with yet
@LarryM: I second @iuwogeo's idea of getting a second opinion - I don't know much about cancer and cannot give advice, but you are in my thoughts and prayers.

@rd0077: You are in my thoughts and prayers as well; keep pushing, surgeries like these have high success rates. As for ED, ask your doctor about generic Cialis and not Viagra. Seems to work better for most guys from what I am told by doctors.

rd0077 said:
I'm 5 months out from prostate removal and my PSA after 2 months was. 05 and tested a month ago and it was still 05.. so is that not good and does that mean I might need radiation I seem to be kind of left in the dark about it.. plus I have Ed that we haven't been able to do anything with yet

rd0077 - 05 to 05 is GOOD! (from what I was told from my surgeon urologist after my robotic RP)

I am 3 mos out and have only had 1 PSA - it was .04. My second one comes 12/23. The fact that is was not .000 is due to two possibilities:

#1: I was told if it stays at .04, then there may be a small piece of benign prostate left that is kicking out .04 PSA and will indefinitely, which is fine and a good, explainable situation, which is why I say 05 to 05 is good!

#2: It's cancer that spread from my prostate to my seminal vesicles. If cancer, the PSA shouldn't increase exponentially, but will definitely increase. If increases, then I need radiation. 95% of the time, the radiation would be needed in the same area of the RP. However, there is a chance that it could have gotten into my bloodstream and could show up anywhere in my body. There is a test they can do to verify where the radiation is needed.

If after 2-3 years, the PSA stays at .04, then there is a good chance that they got it all, there is a piece of benign prostate and the PSA will just stay at .04 forever - that's a long time to wait, hope and pray, but that's all I or anyone can do! I trust that God has a plan for me and I will not go to meet Him until He is good and ready for me, however I end up going!

On the ED front...
I had ZERO issues or symptoms pre-op. I was told there was a chance that Cialis alone would be enough - not! I am still taking it, but my urologist suggested adding penis injections of Trimix in the meantime. His reasoning is, neurologically speaking, the nervous system hasn't had enough time to recover, but vascular functions are still normal - he said if you don't use it, you lose it! The Trimix injection is on the side and to the base of the penis. It provides an erection by filling the area w/ blood and regular sexual activity can occur. The erection should last 1-2 hours. He suggested using an erection pump on any days not using the injection. He believes that I should not need injections and possibly not even Cialis forever, but need to keep blood to the area as much as possible until the nerves can recover. It worked the first time in the Dr's office when I was being instructed on how to give the self-injections at home. Now I am waiting for my Rx to come in.

Things you never anticipated going through in your life, HUH?!! Oh well, here we are!

Hope all that helps!

+God+bless+ you and everyone going through similar issues or any issues for that matter - I pray for you all every day!
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