Sex after prostate removal


Staff member
How long after prostate removal can I attempt some type of sexual activity with my very supportive wife of 42 years?
As soon as you are feeling up to pun intended here as this is no laughing matter. Patience require, but worth the wait. No give up attitude with a little help with those pills. Gets working better each time. A supportive mate and embracing a new, but satisfying experience is rewarding
This may sound strange, and I don't think it is normal. I don't recall how long after surgery before I had sex. I'm thinking maybe a month. Anyway the what I think is probably not normal is my orgasm was much much more intense and lasted a lot longer than before. I cannot explain why and I didn't tell my Dr
I realize this post is a few months old but it is discouraging that I have made so much progress with continence issues in three months since surgery and no progress in the other area that men don’t want to discuss related to side effects of prostate surgery.
With a very understanding and patient partner, the sexual experience can be just as satisfying as before surgery just different. Erections are not necessary for men to have orgasms. Intimacy and sexual gratification for both parties can be wonderful if your willing to communicate and try different methods. Where there is desire there are ways! I am post surgery 3 months and have experienced several beautiful and satisfying experiences with my willing partner. I still have no erections but can still achieve a climax. Stay optimistic and use thoughtful communication and patience and enjoy the process.
@Alh63 Has your urologist suggested any medication or Vacuum Erection Device (VED (penis pump))?

I take a daily 5 mg cialis to help the blood flood to the penis. My urologist sent the prescription the day the catheter was removed.

At 8 weeks, my urologist recommend the Bathmate pump. The purpose of the pump is to pull the blood into the penis. The Bathmate states to pump for 3 minutes, massage for 2 minutes, then repeat 2 times (3 cycles in 15 minutes). It is getting and keeping blood flow to the penis.

I chose the Bathmate HydroXtreme which is easier to operate because of the hand pump. I sit on the side of the tub instead of in the tub or shower - it works for me.

You can sign up and they will send you discount codes. The pump is expensive around $300. I also have the Vacurect and prefer the Bathmate.

I see the doctor again next month. They briefly mentioned a pump in January but said to give it some time. I too take 5mg Cialis daily. I will find out more I hope when I see them again.
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