Serious question please respond ASAP.


Staff member
I got the shot at about 10:00 today I still had issues with my guts and now my fever is 102 I don't ever hop in my car and drive when it's at high because sometimes I hallucinate and I have should I call my mother or somebody to come get me cuz everything online says that this is normal but I don't think it's normal for me?
If you feel unsafe, you should ask for help. Trust your gut. Besides, it sounds like you need some comforting and we can’t make you safe from a distance. I hope you feel better and get help. Let us know.
I agree with LeeC. Please seek aide and support from your mother or close friend. Since you have a medical history you should get to a medical facility to be evaluated.
A 102 temp? Definitely see someone without further delay! Trust your intuition on this one! If you feel unsafe then do not drive, call your mom and go to a doctor! I don't think having a 102 temp is anything like normal, no matter who you are! Even having had the covid shot a temp of 100 or so may be a side effect but when it gets to 102 it's time to check that one out!!!
For the first covid shot this is not a normal reaction.
A 2nd booster shot it is possible to spike a fever.
Yes get your mother to drive you to a emergency or foctor
It’s absolutely normal after the vax. Give it 36 hours. That’s what happened to most of my friends. BUT!!! Since you have your other issues, it’s probably good you’re there. I hope they actually do something this time. Glad you don’t have ‘Rona again.
Finally out My temperature was 102.4 for over three hours while at the hospital and my heart rate was way up. They got the temperature down and then my heart rate came back down. I still have not had a bowel movement but I am taking more medicine when I get home. Have to check with GI before the second dose to see how I will have to take my medicine.
I'm glad your temp is down along with your heart rate and also good you're home. But just be careful and please get some good rest as it's been a rough day.
Over my lifetime I have had 3 influenza infections that put me in the hospital. I still have lung scarring caused by the pneumonia that took advantage of me even though I was over the flu. That took 6 months to recover my former endurance, and I was about 35 at the time.

Since we are considered elderly, we always get every high-potency vaccine available. We are about ready to get this year's flu shot.

As you all know, the Spanish influenza killed millions of people around the world at the end of World War I. I guess I'm saying this to encourage everyone to also get their flu shot.

May God bless you all!
There is a catch to saying this; God will never force anyone to be blessed or to go to Heaven, if they don't want it.
I am due for my flu shot shortly! I go to the Publix Supermarket pharmacy. I will begin asking there. Not only is it free on my insurance, but Publix gives you a $10 gift card as well!!! Definitely a win-win.
@billliveshere Wow, I wish a store/pharmacy here gave a $10 gift card! I’ll get my flu shot soon, also.
@MezaJarJarBinks Flu almost killed my mom two years ago. She was in ICU for three weeks then the regular hospital for another two weeks, then in a pulmonary rehab for three months.
Hi @snow, I hope they're continuing to do it. With all of what's been hitting the fan lately, it wouldn't surprise me if they discontinue it. But hopefully they will keep that. This outfit has really gone up in prices and down in service, like they'll hire the first person off the street, and keeping things on the shelves is a challenge. So I just don't know!! But regardless I'll see you in the flu shot line as well as the line for covid booster!!!

Hy-Vee, a local grocery chain in the Kansas City Metro area that gives rewards in the form of gasoline discounts at their detached convenience store. Flu shots earn us 20 cents off each gallon of gas (limited to 20 gallons). So that will be 40 cents total.

During football season they give us 1 cent per gallon for every point scored by our KC Chiefs football team! (I'm not even a sports fan, but this gets my attention.)

Just walking into the convenience store earns 2 cents.

Of course they give rewards for buying certain things in the grocery store. It really adds up.
Well @MezaJarJarBinks, let's hope the KC Chiefs have a really good season this year!!! I think all Hy-Vee customers are hoping to see KC in the Super Bowl!!!
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