Sensitive bladder to insensitive bladder?


Staff member
I had normal bladder function. Then it got sensitive quite suddenly. Urge incontinence. I could feel it whenever the car hit a slight bump. After about a month I wasn’t getting any sensation of a full bladder and haven’t gotten any feedback from it since. Anyone ever experience this. If I don’t go regularly it will let go with little notice. Accidents of 20 plus ounces. I also pee almost immediately after standing up out of bed with no prior sensation laying down. Lots of bed wetting too. Anyone? I see the urologist in February.
Having a spinal injury and nerve damage in
my lower back, this is common with me also. I can wake up soak with no sensation at night to go. Wake up to go to the bathroom and peeing as I walking. Bladder gets better a few hours later. Also pee surges during the day out of know where. One after another within a half hour. Than after that feel normal again. These come on maybe days apart or even a well apart . Off and on dribbling is a daily occurrence. Bending over, coughing, stretching etc.
Hi Rothpirate. I am in a similar boat so can totally relate. I am a 26 year old female and my bladder issues started a couple of years ago for no apparent reason. Some urges and a couple of accidents but nothing major and it was random, so I didn't worry too much about it. Fast forward to last summer and out of the blue I have full on nightly bed wetting and don't even feel it coming. Sometimes I don't even wake up. During the day I have to regularly pee to try to avoid accidents but sometimes it's difficult to get much out. It's like my bladder wants to hold on to it and then let go whenever it I sometimes have daytime incontinence too. I also have bladder pain most of the time day and night, which you didn't mention. Do you have pain?
I feel so defeated to have this issue at my age. I started seeing a urologist and have had a few tests done but no diagnosis as yet. I see him again Feb. 14. I hope I can find out what is causing all of this and hopefully find some way to help treat it...if that's even possible.
Good luck and please keep us posted on how your appointment goes!
Symptoms all sound too familiar. I went from being able to control my bladder to being incontinent within a few months due to diabetic related problems.
Diabetes is negative. Though it is possible I was pre diabetic for some time. All blood tests show negative, including fasting insulin.
I would see what the urologist says, but in men it is usually BPH. The prostate is enlarged and presses on the bladder nerve. This causes the problems...

This can be found out very quickly with an ultrasound examination.
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