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I have never had any issue like this. I am 49 and just got diagnosed with sciatica. One of the issues I am having is going to the bathroom constantly and then not being able to hold it. I have dribbled a lot. The doctor recommended pull ups for the day and diapers for night due to the fact she gave me a strong muscle relaxer. Has anybody else had this problem and had either temporary or permanent incontinence due to this condition?
My incontinence preceded my sciatica by several years.

Research the term Neurogenic Bladder. I suspect that’s what you’re experiencing, as am I and several others here.
Hi Joe B.
I had a very bad slip and fall that gave me a permanent issue in the lower back and hip so I had siatic pain a couple years and in on started. The doctor did not link the two things. I am amiddle age woman so he went with that as reason, happens alot to women my age

For the strong searing pain my thigh and buttock I took quality TUMEMERIC pill Checknexpiration dates In a week the inflammation was completely gone and I haven't had it since.
I took no other drug except Alleve when things flare up due to sitting a long time in an airplane or bad seating.
I also stopped exercising and rested my leg with a knee on a cushion to bend an relieve the strain.
Everyone was trying to get me to walk and excercise but it inflamed worse. Rest worked.
I still have night time incontinence but that is my sciatica story. Days I have good control.
I cant help but wonder what psychological factors are playing into my muscles totally relaxing at night but again, thats me.
Hello Joe Blow, I have degenerative disc disease and experience similar issues. Seems to be worse with inflammation. Anti inflammatory drugs seem to help. My urgency issues vary widely, but are always there some what. I wear a diaper at night, many times it is a just in case thing. Other times a necessity. But being protected helps with a better nights rest.
I've never heard of sciatica and incontinence being related. The first time I experienced sciatica was when my sister and I (both in our late forties) slept overnight in the hospital waiting room on the carpeted cement floor when our dad was having a biopsy for lung cancer. When I got up in the morning, I put on my high heeled shoes and found a phone to call my husband. That first time really hurt. I didn't have it again until I was in my 60s and then only a few times. Stretching helped. My oldest daughter who is considerably overweight has the problem quite a lot. But stretching helps her too. We both have incontinence but not constant. So I don't know if it's just a coincidence or if the two are related, although I tend to think they are separate issues. I hope you don't have to continue the muscle relaxer for very long. I'm really shy myself about taking any strong medicine. I always look for the natural remedies, if any, first.
@ritanofsinger For some of us with spinal cord / vertebral damage, sciatica and incontinence are caused by the same thing. The worse my scoliosis gets and the worse my lumbar spine self-fuses, the worse the sciatica gets. Sciatica only happens to me in bed at night, which is by far when I also experience the worst incontinence. I hate when I wake up and need to urgently urinate (every 5 to 60 minutes), but my sciatica is so bad I can’t walk to get to the toilet. Of course I’m wearing diapers and that’s one of the reasons why.
My is caused to damage to the brain. I tried to exercise to keep my muscles strong, a brain tumor is no picnic but neither is muscle pain in the spine or buttocks. My body likes heat, sketching and massage. We try to do the best we can. Not being able to do much I am grateful for the computer. Try some warm water therapy exercise in a pool 90+ degrees. Sketch before and after, most stuff is trial and error. Need to find out what works for you, never give up. Life is hard, I am grateful for food, shelter, and medical care. Sometimes acupuncture works as well. We had a school by us when I lived near the WS border in IL. Good Luck and keep the faith, just had upper arm and rotator cuff surgery on my right arm Tuesday. Doing ok, no opioids, used nerve blocked and Celebrex for pain. Still not a good sleeper, typing with left hand is hard also.
Sometimes I feel like I have no business being on this chatroom. Everybody has so many more health problems than I do. I do learn a lot from everyone's writing. A crew is working at my house today installing solar panels. The boss of the crew is 72, his wife 68 and has MS diagnosed immediately after her first child was born and she's been bed bound he said since having her second child, 49 years! And just a year ago he got out of the hospital after being there for 1 1/2 years but I didn't catch the reason for his being there. He has a hard time talking so that I can understand. But what a great attitude he has. People are amazing. My 84th birthday coming up next month and I need to quit saying I'm ready to die. My life is far from being awful. I have a lot to be thankful for and a lot to give yet. Besides the women on both sides of my parentage lived long lives. Even though the osteopenia in my back keeps me from walking or standing over three minutes I do ride my stationary bike with no problem. My incontinence is inconsistent. What the heck is my problem? You all are my heroes.
thanks for your note-we all must go on, life is for the living-we cannot give up-I sometimes wonder where it will take me next year-it has changed so much on me.
Follow up…I saw a physical medicine doctor today. She diagnosed me with a herniated L4. Scheduled an MRI for Wednesday to see how bad it is. I was diagnosed about 10 yrs ago with spinal stenosis. Hopefully that didn’t get too bad. She was concerned with the incontinence I just got. She said if I lose all control to get to a hospital immediately as that is a serious condition. Hopefully it doesn’t get to that point. I can handle a little dripping.
Basically everyone eventually has spinal stenosis, just like osteoarthritis. It’s called Aging.

Yep, a herniation between L3-L4 or L4-L5 will likely cause sciatica and/or incontinence… not to mention chronic pain and disability, numbness in limbs, etc. It’s not a region that is typically operated on and the plastic discs that work so well in the c-spine don’t work in the l-spine. It’s a grim diagnosis. Sorry you’re going through it.
I was at my advanced pain management doctor last week and there are procurers now that are Medicare approved where they get do something to the area to fix it. I don't remember exactly what it was as I am sure there are risk factors as with anything else. I am rehabbing from upper arm surgery and rotator cuff surgery so I am not able to pull any info I have out on it now. Worth the search on the internet. Buena Suete
I had an MRI last night and the results are:
Large right intraforaminal disc extrusion at L3-L4 with marked foraminal stenosis and effacement of the right L3 nerve root

They found a 10mm bulge at the L3-L4.

I don’t see my doctor until Monday. Does anybody have any idea what all of this means?
I do. I used to work in radiology. I’m certain those bulges are causing your incontinence, and that it’s likely permanent. You must be in excruciating pain? That is also likely permanent. As bulges go, yours are quite large and significant. I hope there’s a surgery they can do to help. You could end up experiencing numbness in all limbs, and fecal incontinence. Sciatica is definitely from these bulges. I’m so, so sorry.

A few of us here have something similar, including me. I started with bulging discs in all of my lumbar spine (after falling down a cliff snowboarding), then all the discs ended up rupturing. I no longer have any disc material remaining, so my lumbar vertebrae are bone-on-bone. They told me my only surgical option was to have a rod inserted down the full length of my spine. But they wanted to wait a couple of years to see if my spine might fuse by itself, which is what has happened. Supposedly that’s better than the metal rod option. But now that my lumbar spine has fused by itself, it’s curving to the left by 17°, also known as scoliosis. All of that took five years to evolve and has reached some degree of stability - Lol, stable meaning urinary incontinence (worst at night), sciatica at night, and constant pain. I fell down the cliff when I was only 35.

I know it all sounds alarming right now, but you will find tips and tricks to help you live with it, gradually.
I have had a lot of lower back issues. My bladder issues are much worse when my lower back is hurt. I have learned to be very carefull with what I do so that I dont get it out of sorts. I go to a chiropractor and he cracks it and it helps a lot. It doesnt happen much in the last few years. I always thought maybe it was the stress from the pain making my bladder worse.
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