Sad but hopeful

Thank you for he is with me all the time and with you. He loves us, we are his children. Everything here is temporary-it is not eternal. One day by his grace we will be with him. Jesus died for our sins and the Lord by his grace forgives us. I wake up sinning, everyone does. We can't help it. We are human. Steven this will get better. I have been through a lot and I get scared a lot for the future then I remember this life is only temporary and I hope I have good Doctor's where I will not have any more pain. Some of the pain is in my brain from having so much in the past. I play bridge and try not to thing of all the crap in the past. It is gone. Try to live in the now and know that the Lord will take care of you always. Thank you for your comment, gave me a life today also. I am not saying it is easy, cause it is not easy at all. Blessings-Barb
I'm sorry to read this and endured a similar fate in my marriage a decade ago. All within a year of my injury, while I was still recovering. I pray that you weren't forced to bear the same psychological abuse involved with my separation. That caused more damage than the actual separation and took me 5 years to shake before re-entering the dating waters.

Just know it's better learning sooner than later if the vow "til death do us part" was a lie. I'm pleased to share that I have since found new love and am celebrating our 18th-month together next week. You deserve better and will find somebody who loves the real you, regardless of any biproduct.
Psychological abused is the worst and takes forever to forget, forgiving is easy compared to forgetting especially when One is down.
Hi people, sorry for being offline for a few. Was in a bad spot in my head and heart. Tonight I reread all of your replies. There is so much love and encouragement form a bunch of people I've never met. I've been helped more by you all than my own loved ones. I litterally have no friends in my life. Not one. But I think it's safe to say that I've got many here. Especially you, Barb. So thanks again. You are all special and have helped more than you realize. Have a good night.
Thank you and blessings to you Steven, there is encouragement from the people in this group which is wonderful. I prayed today big time and need to keep on praying. I forget we are all sinners and need God's love and his comfort everyday-every second, his grace and mercy is beyond our understanding. We are his children and he loves us and our time here on earth is so short compared to eternity with him. Keep the faith Steven, he loves you and will take care of you. Pray for encouragement and wisdom. I pray for wisdom a lot, I need a lot.
I'm sorry to hear that and after your first thread I had a feeling this was going to be the outcome. I was painfully honest with my initial assessment of the situation and I will be again. Because I have been there. The friends you had when you were married you will probably slowly drift away from. Just the way it is.... if they were joint friends they don't want to take sides and it gets weird for them. Also, if you were close to her family..... yeah, that's done. Just the way it is.

Now for the good news. Your better off. I got divorced 18 years ago and it crushed me. Looking back, I am in a much better relationship now. Kids, house, land, good job......... I am so much better off and Im sure you will be as well.

Your probably in for a rough year or so but after that the memories start to fade and you will move on.

One door closes and another will open.
Great advice on moving on but it still hard, it is not as easy as one wants to think. You were blessed but the assessment on family and friends is right on the money. I know, no one talks with me anymore and they don't want to take sides. His friends stayed with him. I was so sick I didn't have a chance to make friends and my family kind of stinks-too much alcoholic abuse and too selfish. Everyone is out for themselves these days-our culture is changing unfortunately. blessings- Have to go.
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