Rude "professionals"


Staff member
I spent 3 days admitted at Olympic Medical Center. I have a huge ulcer on the bottom of my stomach sphyncter that is keeping my stomach open. Along with extensive medical records and history and the fact that im wearing a diaper from home, when i asked for a new diaper, the er nurse came in and tossed a real baby pampers diaper on my lap and said, " here, knock yourself out. Have a pampers". I was so f#!%\*# mad that i got up, removed my iv myself and walked out. I made a report to the washington dept of health and the hr dept at the hospital. Then, a few days later i saw that my online chart said i was " extreme pain medication seeking" based on behavior. To be clear, i never asked for pain meds. I refused any opiate meds. (I was on oxycodone for 16+ years and stopped 2 years ago after back surgery by my own choice) my urine and blood showed no drug use at all. I demanded that those records be remanded and fixed. So far they are not fixed. I know what to do as far as records wise and legally wise. I am just so freaking pissed off that i was treated as a damn pervert and tweeker. Screw them! AAAAHHHHH! medical professional ass wipes!
sorry that happened to you. ugg
I hate when things like that happen.

one of the rudest professionals I know, is someone who wished covid-19 on me.
That's all right a few months ago I got arrested for driving with no license and I had no idea my license was suspended so they took me to the jail house search me and made me strip down and told me to take off my "Pampers" and I told them that's not a good idea and they told me Pampers are not allowed in this jail house I knew I was going to be out within a couple hours so I complied and took off my diaper and what a mess I made but what I went to court I told the judge that I didn't know my license was suspended and I told him what happened jail house you let me go scot-free I know my legal rights and a good friend of mine is a lawyer
You need to engage a lawyer who is expert in the medical area of practice. I would research lawyers in your area today and make phone calls first thing Monday morning. Further, don’t post more about this online. Talk to an attorney and let him/her advise you.
I agree with Newbie. Talk to a lawyer. You deserve to be compensated for the way they treated you. Actions have consequences.
I agree with all of you, I been down that road before. I had issues with a number of urologist and the nurses. when i went there for appointment i would get question on why i was wearing a diaper. they are the ones who told that i need too wear them. most of the time it would be someone new. As for now i will be looking for a new urologist after the new year. What I'm saying is some medical personal don't understand incontinence what is all about. it's like what was said in above post where the nurse threw him a pamper diaper, she probably had no idea what an adult diaper is.SOME NURSE think adult diapers are depends. that happen to me few times. I had to tell a young nurse the difference between a pull-up and a tape on diaper, she was confuse and she ask a head nurse after that everything went smoothly. My point is if you are 65 or older it's okay for you to be in diapers but if you are younger then that it's not okay to wear diapers. like i said some of medical personal find it odd that a young person wants too wear diapers 24/7. IT IS A ASTIGMATISM. BEING JUDGEMENTAL WHO SHOULD WEAR OR NOT.
Emily, that "professional" should have his license and all other staff privileges associated with practicing medicine permanently revoked!! Truly a monster in every sense of the word!!
You need to file with the licensing board to deal out discipline on these people. As a profesdional someone once did that to me, evrn tho I didnt treat them, and it caused holy hell for me for a while. Its expensive to defend as well. You may not get compensated as they dont do it that way, but you may be able to causr thst nurse a world of hurt. Then she can be gone or change her ways. It's not revenge, it's us policing the system and keeping others from getying hurt
Hi @Doug, that's what it's all about! We the patients helping to keep the system honest by policing it and keeping others from getting hurt. If you were done wrong, then speak up. If enough of us speak up then hopefully it will be a safeguard for others who follow us. If a place or a professional gets too many complaints then hopefully more people speaking up will be a deterrent.
I am so sorry for those of you who have been treated so badly. It's a disgrace, and causes great harm. Take care of yourselves!
I do agree with what said above, we shouldn't judge the hole medical perfection. I know that there are some that just don't care at all. As for the ones that do care for there patients and go out of their way to help us we should thank them. My thing is that we need to speak up when we don't get the respect or care. I know it's easier said then done. We should let the higher ups know what our stay was like. Maybe they might get the point of it about care for being in diapers
On behalf of the medical community everywhere, I will apologize, and hope that there is something going on here that would explain that kind of behavior from ANYONE in the medical field (perhaps extreme stress from covid??). I suspect that the persons involved in the 2 very extreme cases described might not have been a trained medical professionals - perhaps an aide or an orderly? It can sometimes be difficult to tell, since uniforms, especially in the ER, are pretty nondescript. But I can assure everyone here that ALL medical professionals are thoroughly trained in and quite familiar with incontinence and its treatments, and would never treat a patient with any sort of disrespect over something as routine as incontinence. Believe me, we all encounter this condition with great regularity in our work. So there is no surprise, no judgement, no condescension.

That said, if everything described is exactly as it happened, you really MUST go after these persons to ensure that their licenses are revoked, and they never have the chance to do this to another patient. And if punitive damages are deemed to be appropriate, then you should pursue that avenue aggressively.
She was a fully licensed RN. This isn't an isolated case. While I understand stress on the job (Army medic and civilian EMT) , if you cant treat every patient as a separate person instead of lumping all the patients together, (like all patients must be pain med seeking, or those homeless ones are only here to get warm) then perhaps it is time for a new job or department.
I am so sorry, Steven1980. I did not mean to diminish your report in any way. As an Army Medic, you would know, possibly more than most of us, the difficulties of providing medical care under the stress of situation. But as a medical professional, I have never (in a 40-year career as an ER doc) experienced this kind of wonton disregard for patient dignity. I am so sorry that this has happened to you. I recommend that you seek appropriate recourse and recompense.
No idea how complaints against medical staff work in the USA.

But in Ireland we've a medical council in which you can report medical professionals to.

So make sure you've everything from dates times and paperwork in order.

Its horrible what you had to go trough some people shouldn't be in the caring profession.

To be a smart ass is probably had said to her she needs a refund and if she asks why or what you mean I'd say from the charm school.
I had a physician do that once to me in California during a medicsl check up, I went in for a medical check up due to UTI and when she knew I wore to manage my incontinence she got this really mean attitude towards me and refused to refer me over to a urologist and had to change doctors. Ive never had that kind of service from a health care professional
Hi @LiveLifeJR, The "service" you received from that "physician" in California is not service at all!:( Not by any stretch of the imagination! I hope by now that gal has had her license revoked and in her new job her most used phrase is "You want fries with that?"
@billliveshere I hope so too, now That I think of it she ran her clinic like a assembly line through a restaraunt drive thru😂
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