@HueyHuckabee I never saw urology until I was an adult. Growing up, the family doctor we went to assured my mom that I’d grow out of all my wetting problems. He was correct. I got both day and night control. By the time I was 25, my bedwetting, which gradually returned when I started college, was chronic and very heavy. So I made a urology appointment and after 3-4 visits, ultrasound and x-ray, I got the diagnosis of latent hypogonadism. The latent part meant that nothing was visible on the outside. Only the inside (my bladder) was underdeveloped. I tried a couple of meds that he thought would help, and I got some lifestyle recommendations (diet,fluid management, Kugel exercises) but to no avail. After a few visits and failing to make progress, I stopped going. I just lived with my bedwetting snd managed with thick diapers every night. I was in diapers so long while growing up that it didn’t seem like a big deal to me.
When I was around 40 is when daytime accidents started. I’ve probably seen 4 urologists since then and I’ve gotten varying opinions. After I had urodynamics (twice), I got word that my bladder had atrophied probably because I held urine too long in my attempt to gain control. My bladder is less than half the size it should be, and I should have been urinating as soon as I had an urge. The years of holding urine caused the damage.
At least one other urologist didn’t agree with this assessment and attributed it to neurogenic bladder.
In the late 1990s, I saw a top rated urologist who agreed that my bladder was shot and was not treatable, but he wouldn’t commit to any cause - just stating that it never developed and nothing would have helped me. He proposed the surgical option. By then, there was a message board on the internet and I was advised against any surgery after hearing a few horror stories. I was managing with adult diapers and the disposable market had gotten much better, and I could order supplies online. I didn’t have any problem with wearing a diaper. I was in them so long and it seemed natural and I was actually quite comfortable. I had chatted with other guys on the internet who were much like me, so I didn’t see the need to change anything. I actually went to a gathering not too far from my home of about 15 guys who were all in diapers - some wore for medical reasons, and some for fun. It was awkward at first but after a few beers, no one cared, and neither did I.
I know many advances in surgery have been made and I’m sure my options are much better. But I just don’t feel the need to make any changes. I like wearing a diaper. It’s comforting and I don’t have any problem being wet. i use a disposable diaper during the day - currently Northshore Megamax diapers. They’re comfortable and very reliable. At home I wear a cloth diaper and plastic pants and wear either sweatpants or basketball shorts over them. I wear a thick gauze diaper that I get online but I don’t wear one. I wear three, carefully folding and layering them like my mom did when I was a boy. So I can go at least 6-7 hours before I need a change and often much longer. So I happy the way I am and don’t see any need to go under the knife.
I do stay in touch with a few guys with UI via email who I’ve met on the internet and they’re incon for a number of reasons - spinal cord injury, agent orange exposure, birth defect - we’ve all had issues and we all handle them in our own way.
After 30 years in corporate business, dealing with crooks and egos, and living with dysfunctional family and friends, occasionally with horrible consequences, I’ve stopped caring what others think. I’m in diapers and I’m not going to conform to any one else’s standards.
I talk too much.
So what about you? Do you have any strong feelings of your own? I’m open to hearing them. But if you want to be private, then that’s OK, too. Thank you for being open and kind to me. I appreciate it so much.