Re: Stem Cell Research


Staff member
Awhile back there was a thread on Stem Cell Research for incontinence, just wondering if anyone has an update or any new information concerning it?
Thank you, Phil
It’s VERY interesting, isn’t it, that Big Pharma and insurance companies are still refusing to pay for something that works got most people, and is totally safe. They don’t want us to get better; they want us to keep paying them more and more and more!
A month ago had stem cell injections for deteriorating medial knee issues. Covered by Medicare. Wondering about SC for sphincter repair/regrow the.
Here are two internet sites that provide some good information on Stem Cell Research and promising therapy treatment plans coming in the near future:
Hi all,

I can say the stem cell treatments adipose on myself and had it Cryo-storage in that when I requested a dose they would culture a sample and then ship it to me. I did 5 spinal taps with stem cells, and through like an iv push in my blood stream roughly 8-10 times. Grand scheme I was attempting to have my body repair the enormous damage from an MS attack lasting about 5-6 years before it basically made me bedridden for 4-6 weeks puking my guts out, I had numb feet for the entire 5-6 years lol I just assumed my feet would fix themselves, lol the workaholic entrepreneurial nature of myself which just wasn’t the case lol.

But looking back I can’t say I really noticed any benefits but honestly I haven’t had a relapse since being formally diagnosed December 23 2016. One hell of a Xmas gift lol :). I guess my positive is my body reacts very well with prescriptions and as such now doctors will give me basically anything I want obviously within reason. The joys as by Canadian medical I am basically just on palliative care aka symptom relief as MS is so unknown it’s literally a garbage pail diagnosis. :)

In someways I debate internally if I should culture my bone marrow stem cells as opposed to my back fat centrifuged down to extract the dormant stem cells and activate them. Basically the coles notes version on my treatment. But honestly I don’t know if it is worth the expense as mine was 20k for harvesting and then each subsequent treatment was 1-1,500 per treatment. But with my results I am not sure it is really worth it.

Just my two cents.

Cheers. And happy early Merry Christmas All!

@stryder Did it work for your knees? Oh, how I really wish I could afford them. I would so much rather try that then get my total knee replacements within the next year. I had my first one scheduled for October but then I broke my foot in four places in September and I’ll be in a boot through February so the knee replacement is put off for a while. I’ve had enough of this being crippled for a bit. Surgery sucks - well, *recovery* from surgeries sucks. I’ve had several that have save my life from cancer.

@Jwh51 I had a consultation back in August or early September about stem cells for my knees ($5,000 for lots of places in total - I was really impressed!), and these days they definitely recommend getting it from the bone marrow in your hip. I think it would be worth trying if you can afford it. Supposedly it hurts like hell but if you’ve had spinal taps of stuff I don’t think it will be bad; Sounds like you’ve really been through a lot like a lot of us on this wonderful forum. I would advise watching a video of how they do it before you go into it if you do. It’s sort of violent. The needle is the biggest needle I’ve ever seen - like 18” long and 1/3” wide, and they put it in and then move it around to loosen up the bone marrow while sucking it out. It takes almost 60 minutes. And you’re awake.
@stryder I am so stunned that Medicare would pay for something as expensive as stem cells! The doctors I’ve talked to about it say it’s never covered. But maybe they just see that I’m 45 and don’t have Medicare, so they don’t talk about Medicare.
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