Has anyone had stem cells?

@Sprung87 Thank you so much for your advice and hope! I’m sorry you’ve had such difficulties. I haven’t yet researched potential side effects such as neuroplasticity. How many stem cell procedures did it take for you to improve? They mentioned they’d inject 1-2 “units” in each knee, and 20 “units” in my lumbar. Maybe 1 unit = 1 cc. Did they take your bone marrow from your hip for the procedure? For mine, that’s what they would do, then mix it with PRP (my own blood plasma), and some kind of “fertilizer.” Then I’d have have shockwave therapy once a week for 12 weeks to increase circulation in the specific areas to encourage stem cell growth. I’ve seen video of how aggressive and painful the bone marrow extraction is (a straw-sized needle that they pound and swirl around to loosen the marrow up!!!!!!!), though supposedly it only hurts for a few days afterward? At least there’s no incision, just a needle hole, and there’s zero recovery compared to a knee replacement.

I wish they’d knock me out for it but they’d at least give me a Percocet and Valium prior to the procedure. Sometimes I wonder why doctors don’t use nitrous like dentists do? That’s fine, because nitrous doesn’t work on me any more, maybe because I take antidepressants.

Within the past month or two, the FDA has banned placental stem cell use because doctors were overpromising about the results. Makes me so mad at those doctors! If it wasn’t banned, they’d just use that on me, instead of needing to extract my bone marrow! The placental cells are what practically grew a new sole on my dad’s foot.

I did some major budgeting yesterday and unfortunately it will be at least a few months - if ever 🤣! that I can afford the $5,000 cash procedure. It totally makes me cry (literally) that insurance will pay for a major surgery rather than stem cells - how stupid; the surgery plus PT will cost them at least $75,000, maybe more like $100,000!!! I’m starting a major new job in a couple of weeks so I can’t get the total knee replacement surgery immediately, either. It will be at least 6-12 months until I can do that. Supposedly May is a good month to do it because the weather is stable and there isn’t ice on the ground for at least four months post-op.

Winter is my favorite season by far, but I’m dreading it so bad this year because I can’t ski or snowboard any more, and because the air pressure changes with the storms are so excruciating.

I have tried Euflexxa (human growth hormone) injections in my knees; they were not covered by insurance and a total rip-off. They did nothing except hurt going in. I’ve had multiple sessions of hydrocortisone injections in my lumbar spine - so painful! - even just to lay on the stupid fluoroscopy table!; they did nothing but hurt. I was so disappointed.

What a gorgeous pup you have! Is he a husky? I love them.
Hey Snow, I wanted to reach out to you this morning as I finally met with the Head of Research & Implant Surgery for Duke Hospitals yesterday, and my 15 minute appt. ran over 2 hours, as he found my history is exactly what they were looking for to implement some of their research. Very interesting group of Docs, many brought in from around the world, and had access to many leading edge technology & studies not allowed here in the USA. If you’d like to discuss, please DM me and I’ll give you my number. It’s very hard to simply hunt & peck this out as I recently reached out to catch my run-away 200+ lbs. Jeep tire while tweaking the suspension for a crawling trip. I managed to tare all the ligaments that hold my right shoulder together, and split my bicep down the middle. Good news, bicep still attached, bad news scap tendons etc. irreparable as I shredded them. To make it even more fun, they put a sling around my neck to support it, and my back and core went into uncontrollable spasms due to pressure on my neck! They thought I was having a seizure, luckily a blast of morphine & Valium settled me down. Talk about a workout! I’m sore as Hell! Don’t recommend this as a workout!
Please give a call if you would like to talk, this just took over an hour to write with 1 finger!
Hi @Sprung 87, I'm sorry to hear about your latest setback with your shoulder and everything associated with it, including the sling. I hope you are getting the treatment you need and also hope you feel better sooner than expected. Best wishes for an uneventful recovery!
@Sprung87 Oh you poor thing! That sounds beyond excruciating! Please keep us updated as you heal. Thank you for working so hard to compose the message :)
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