Rant 2.0 same security guard.


Staff member
Well if three bowel accidents and too many light bladder accidents at work were not enough to make me say WTH, then toning takes the cake. Same security guard wanted me to explain what was in my bag and to take everything out and set in on the table. Like NO!!!! This time I call him out in front of our OM and he was like yes they do need to see inside the bag but in a situation like that they could bring it aside and never do it in public. The OM had my back but was also defending the security guards job of searching bags. I was like I will talk to my HR about this and after my paid break I clocked out and went to talk to HR. When I was explaining it my GM ( GM's are general managers more like area managers at other places sorry if it was messed up on the last post Rant and all.) While talking to HR our safety coordinator came out and had me write up a statement and told my that Crap does not fly here. He wanted to know who the security guard was and what happened. I told him that I called our OM over because the security guard could not figure out what was in the bag and wanted me to spell it out for him... LIKE HELLO YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN A DIAPER BEFORE!!!!!!! Our safety coordinator is going to take care of it but I was to emotional to stay at work. I litterly was crying part of the way home tell my K-Love radio finally got signal and brought me some Jesus jams to ride home to.

We that have this issue have it bad enough without butt heads making our lives worse. That dude tried to takes the stuff out of my bag in front of my OM and several people that I worked with.... Not a good night....
Hey, I feel for you but if it is any consolation, with time and years of experience living with incontinence, it does get easier at airports. I've had to remove my belt from my shorts before and the shorts falling down to reveal a pad underneath, have had pads questioned by security, pat downs questioned as to why the bigger bulge etc, honestly, it does get easier and less embarrassing with time.
I would be taking it a LOT higher with the complaint. Like above the clouds high. Air so thin, that security A hole nearly passes out. His check needs to be written out to "FL guy"
If it comes down to it, if it doesn’t get better you should connect with an attorney who specializes in ADA employment matters.
Americans with Disabilities Act should cover you.
The guards have a job to do but also have the responsibility to excel use discretion.

Next time tell them you have an ADA issue and your medical supplies are in the bag.

If they don’t understand that, maybe need to speak with their HR team and if they don’t use discretion it could bite them big time in court.
Definitely should take it higher up. Also the guard has no right to touch your things that are in your bag. This is an ADA issue, I agree, and if this continues then definitely get legal help. That is, find a lawyer who specializes in ADA issues. If worse comes to worse have your HR people or even better, your doctor write a document that you can show to security guards saying that you require this bag because it has required medical supplies. Once you get that note or document send a copy to your HR people so it is on file. It seems that this one security guy is just overly dense and/or he's one of those who insists on doing everything "by the book." Wishing you a much more peaceful shift tonight and every night!
Totally in agreement about contact a disability act doctor.
You have a disability and a right to dignity.
Lawyer! Disability act lawyer my spell check is very frisky today and has changed words not even misspelled to suit its self!
I'm sorry Fl Guy! A LAWYER
if your HR and OM PM or CEO are at all aware the violations of your situation are very dicey!
I definitely agree it's a disability since it interferes with your ability to be able to work. Also companies have to make accommodations for people with disabilities to be able to work or risk action by the ACLU and other organizations. There is no call for you to continued to be harassed by certain elements at your workplace over what you need to be able to function. If I were you I'd try to get someone to advocate for you if there is continued harassment.
So I just posted a history of everything I have been through. Some of it doctors don't know because it was pre-electronic records. I am going to be working the rest of this week to get doctors to speed up the process. I am waiting on calls from two right now that should have happened already.

I have calmed down a bit over the security guard thing and decided that I am going to be speaking again to HR about what I going on with my and seeing what more can be done. The pain that I was in the last two days and even right now is just too much to handle with everything else. I feel constipated right now but have had diarrhea since yesterday.

But I was told by the doctor that I can have both at the same time so If it does not change today than I will be trying to get in to see my GP about all of this.

One thing I am going to do is try to get a better bag to carry my stuff in for work but that I my choice and I will be addressing my issues with Hr as I said and try to get things worked out so that what happened never does again.

I am through living in fear, with anxiety over things I cannot change and I am through living in pain. I will be more proactive in getting my doctors and work to understand my issue is really bad and I don't except it the way that it is.
Hey bud, according to the ADA, you are allowed to have reasonable accommodations made for you at work. That may mean a different type of check in, or inspection or also consider requesting a lockable cabinet or locker for the bathroom or other place at work. Then you can keep needed supplies at work without having to pack them in every day. Nobody has to know who has the new locker or what is inside but you and HR.dont let them deny you your rights. There are female bathrooms that have lockers, feminine hygiene products dispensers and baby changing tables in both bathrooms. You can be accommodated too! You are no less important or special than anyone else. Good luck man.
Hi FLGuy, Sounds like you are taking the right steps in becoming more proactive (rather than reactive) with your doctors. Do keep in mind previous conversations, or posts, here, on considering getting second opinions or even finding ways to go to another doctor who specializes in your issues. By all means tell the doctors how this condition is affecting your work and overall quality of life and ask them point-blank, "what would you do if you were in my position?"
Now do you have someone in your HR department who you can trust? Definitely schedule an appointment to speak with that person in their office. Please don't accept just talking to them in passing out in the hallway or something like that. Just ask, "can you spare 20 (or 30) minutes of your time? I really need to get something off my chest." You do need to get - and keep - this person's undivided attention.
And I agree with Steven1980's post right above this one. And call your HR's person's attention to what he said in that post. It is a great idea to have a locker assigned to you in which you can keep a bunch of your supplies without having to bring them in every day only to be scrutinized by a "rent-a-cop!" Hope things begin to look up for you soon!
Steven1980 said:
Hey bud, according to the ADA, you are allowed to have reasonable accommodations made for you at work. That may mean a different type of check in, or inspection or also consider requesting a lockable cabinet or locker for the bathroom or other place at work. Then you can keep needed supplies at work without having to pack them in every day. Nobody has to know who has the new locker or what is inside but you and HR.dont let them deny you your rights. There are female bathrooms that have lockers, feminine hygiene products dispensers and baby changing tables in both bathrooms. You can be accommodated too! You are no less important or special than anyone else. Good luck man.

So we have lockers at work, but they are before the security check in and not on the work floor. I am going to talk with HR and my doctor again today to move more quickly toward steps to make life better. I figure that I would be okay going back to work but truth is that I have a lot of pain right now and nothing is taking it away. If I cannot stuff worked out IE have a good bowel movement without pain...I may have to go to the doctor or even the ER again.
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