Queritin success story OAB


Staff member
I have OAB which was getting worse triggered by water sounds, lifting, not going quickly to toilet every time I felt a bloated feeling sudden no wait time urges during the day. If I took a day nap I would wake and immediately flood.
Night characterized by a flood as I fell asleep.

A week after taking the Quercetin and the Bladder ease I have no urges during the day and go only a few times a day. I can wake from a nap and walk around until I decide to urinate much later.
I fall asleep dry and only have nocturia when deep asleep at perhaps 3am.

I don't know why I started having OAB about seven years ago but this is working for me.
Thank you Newbie2this for this
Yet you could be being poisoned because those medications are not regulated by any kind of federal agency. There could be lead in your pills. No thanks.
Maymay941 - If it is working as you say, I would be worth it to get it tested for lead. I am sure it would be less for a comparable prescription that did not work, and have has a list of confirmed frightening side effects.
I'm more frightened of the content of my breakfast cereal containing pesticide or Alleve ruining my liver but Hey FDA all the way.
A High Street chain of shops, Holland and Barrett, sell Quercetin here. I would trust them to be reliable.
@Pammy53 He said that he didn't have any experience with quercetin, but he didn't have anything against my trying it. I just started it yesterday. He suggested botox injections if I still don't get relief after giving quercetin a try. I have an appointment with him in late October, which should give me plenty of time to make a determination about quercetin.
Joel just to put the use of Queritin in context of the two people here who are using it both of us have been told it's over active bladder in in general.
I won't speak for Newbie2this but I had a variety of reasons for OAB Im a woman after menopause who had a fall injuring me lower spine which is when it started.
I am doing wonderfully days with no surges and far fewer needs to urinate so no diapers for days now. It used to be uncontrollable instant surges.
Night I find I'm dry until about 3am when I start deep sleep and can't get up.

If it's psychosomatic or not I don't care.
denverx54 yes.

Check out original post by newbie2this
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