Pullups and pads


Staff member
Do all pads with pullups do this.
When I put a new pad in with a dry pullup the pad at the bottom shapes in a V to account for my legs comming together, then the urine settles to the bottom of the pad " lowest point first"and wicks up first making the inside of my legs wet. If i change it then the pad is less than half used if i wait till pad is full the urine continues to wicks up leaking to the bands of the pull up making me feel more moisture.
Does anyone know of a combination pads and pullups that allow the pad to get mostly full before contaminating my legs and pullups?
The goal of any product is to pull the liquid away from skin so it’s fighting the nature of the product to do that. Also it sounds like you are using pads rather than boosters, those are differant. Boosters are made to work with another product whereas pads stop the pass thru because they are for underwear.

Ultimately if you need more protection than a pull-up alone can offer it may be time to look at brief style diapers.
Pads are not good to combine because they are plastic backed and won't flow through, they are more prone to leak. A booster pad (diaper doubler) is much better because liquid can flow through it into the pullup. Before I found booster pads I had tried pads in the pullup to save money and just throw the pad away, but they caused leaks. I recommend Tranquility super booster pads, from Walmart online they are very affordable.
@Sarah060486 and @Newbie2this
Thank you both I had no idea.
Because of you I can see more comfort on the way..
When I wore pads and pullups (depend brand). I would peel back 1/4 of the adhesive on the pad to stick the pad higher in the pullup to keep from having the V shape.

I did not try to "fill up" a pad - I would change pads after soaking half of it. Typically after a 45 minute drive and standing up from the car ride.

For long days out of my home, I would wear multiple depend pullups with pads. If the leaking overflowed the pad, I used scissors to cut out the sides of the inter most pullup to remove the pullup. This keep me from having to take my shoes and pants off in a public restroom. I also wore my box briefs to give the pullup additional support.

If you are using a better stronger brand of pullups, then a booster pad may be better.

Most members are dealing with long term heavy incontinence while hopefully men after RP are moving toward regaining continence.

I see that you are only a few months after RP.
Yes thank you Thudson great advice,
It never occurred to me to wear 2 pull-ups while going out, otherwise yes im just under 2 months so everything is a learning curve. I expect this to be temporary fir me and so often read from other members their condition is not as gentile as mine. To all of you my hats off wish you the best.
I am about 4.5 months from RP also...

One thing that has helped me is that I am wearing regular boxer-brief underwear w/ pads, but then wearing bicycle shorts or 'slider' shorts over them for the support that @thudson1965 mentioned above.

That has helped tremendously.

Also, because of the "V", I wear two pads at the same time, slightly overlapped to form a 'pocket' in the front. That has seemed to solve the leaks issue for me. If only one pad is wet, then I remove just that one and add a new one.

Another 'incontinence life hack': In the bathroom, get paper towels, fold them and add them on top of the pads. If I only have a little leak, it is much easier to discard and replace just the paper towel, leaving the pads unsoiled! Paper towels are also FREE in most places (except home!) - LOL!!!

Hope that helps!

@Sarah060486 - Hi Sarah. I remember using Diaper Doublers when my kids were little. I loved them for night time. I don't even know if make them anymore. - Pam
Hi All ,
Interesting forum .
I can only make suggestions based on personal experience .
Firstly , many Doc’s underplay the incontinence issue. The usual statement is …I don’t know, could be no issue then again it may take longer ? Very indefinite because they themselves don’t know . Sort of like predicting the stock market that goes up and down like a toilet seat …no pun intended . Enough on comment ….
I am now out to 9 months post RP and still having to wear pads albeit fewer and longer periods between changes . First recommendation is use the kgoal device . Costs about $120 and worth it . More work is not better as far as kegel training goes . I was doing every other day ( well sometimes everyday) and my kegelmeister muscles got better and better . Initially didn’t seem like i was seeing much improvement but then it all began . This start is of course dependent on your specific situation, the surgical skills of your Doc and a whole lot of factors like weight , original condition prior to surgery etc.
During this recovery period , post RP , I originally was wearing a pant pad. Too hot for me. My fab partner /wife of many years sourced out different pads and the experimenting began eventually settling on Tena Men along with Tena wipes to be used when changing . Fortunately at night i got to sleep pretty well , maybe getting up twice to go but that reduced to once and now usually not at all if i am horizontal.
What happened to overflows ? Yes they occurred but now i trained myself to go when i have some urgency. How did i wear the pads . Go and splurge on some new underwear …. I use SAXX ..daytrippers . Nice pocket , curves around and holds everything as well as the pad in place .Max during day was 4hrs with a 4 drop TENA and 2hrs with a 3 dropper. Time yourself and figure on interspersing the different pads according to your schedule . Everybody has different flow rates at different times but don’t short yourself on drinking plain H2O . You will be able to measure your recovery by either weighing the pads or even easier just counting the number of changes and the drop count being used . I am currently at 3 drop pads and approx 4/day . Remember i am at 9 months recovery . That is when you will hopefully see the biggest shifts in recovery. Like a full term baby developing through pregnancy. You just can’t make it shorter like a few months without having too many complications.
So bottom line . TIME … give your nerves time to grow back as well as use the time to restrict your weight or lose a few pounds. I was on a clinical trial and received infusions every three weeks . Lost 10 lbs then put it on post surgery and am now losing that extra 10i have been carrying . Buy some Tena 3 drop as well as some 4 drop (the latter on Amazon or direct from company in England . They ship for free.The 3 droppers are available say in Walmart . Buy some SAXX underwear and feel trendy . Make sure you buy the Kgoal device and keep a record so you can measure your progress both on the device and in using the number of pads . Was I one frustrated PC patient …you bet…but am I a realist and going to best this issue …YUP YUP! Best Jimbo
I'll agree with Jimbo on the Saxx underwear. I've purchased a lot of them and have been very happy. Feel great and do a really good job, with a pad, containing my leakage. The are pricey but occasionally go on sale at amazon.com. I recommend buying a size smaller than you usually would. This will make them more form fitting and better to hug you and keep leaks at bay.
@JMiller Thank you that was a excelent explanation of your progress I agree they dont know how long it can take but I realize it won't be three months to regain continence im 6 weeks past RP still flooding.

I'm looking at the kgoal can you highlight your progress with that device? It looks like the games and ability to measure strength progress I like.
My problem with pads on top of pull-ups is the bulk. My favorite alternative is a size 4-6 baby diaper. I rip a slit on the back so the iron can flow through.

Baby diapers have virtually no bulk, so they are way more comfortable in a pull-up.
Hi again . My answer seems to have disappeared into ethereal space . I will try again
Your question was .. how was my experience with KGoal device? Great! A real positive fun experience . No inserts or attachments , no special dressing . Sit on a chair with your clothes on and see how your response changes over time. I thought at beginning … why do I want or need this ? Remember I had RP but thought I was in good physical shape. Then frustration set in along with depression when things were not changing . I had no measure of progress or change . Two months post I was attending an experienced Physio to see what could be done . Started work on scar tissue around surgical site breaking down adhesions . Interesting but still no change but then 3 months in post surgery an inkling of light in the tunnel of frustration. I could sleep the night without a change , well maybe one! I do recall the other positive … I was able to have a stream urinating .. then another few weeks of what appeared to be no progress even though I was doing my daily kegal exercises . Next trip to Physio she showed me this device she had just received , the Boost from KGoal.com . Ordered and received in a few days. Started using it immediately and realized how badly my pelvic floor muscles were post surgery . Feeble is best description . Within a week of daily use I noticed changes , strengthening, positive feedback even though I was still depressed and frustrated. The combo of Physio working on scar adhesions (that hurt) together with the fun baseline establishment followed by improvement in pelvic muscle strength worked like s hot dam no pun intended . Went from 4 dropper to 3 during the night could last 2-3 hrs before change with dropper and with 4 dropper could last 4-5 hours. Continued reliable pelvic floor muscle on the Boost and then positive things began to happen . The human body takes time to heal itself and for an impatient person like myself it was an experience of learning. So here I am , still using the KGoal device daily , well most days) and 9 months in I am down to 3 /3 dropper pads from Tena for Men a day . I am dry thru the night while horizontal and can usually get away with same pad until around noon. 5 hrs. Depending on the water drinking I do I am good for most of day and do not require a 4 dropper at all . Pelvic floor muscles must be good since the KGoal graphing shows good strength, endurance and control far better than in beginning . Go get one and try it . It worked for me but remember it’s one of many variables each of us has to deal with in our own individual recovery systems . Good luck and will keep you posted Jimbo
@JMiller thank you for taking the time twice it sounds like to post your response. After reading how it worked for you ill get one there on Amazon and work with it.
Thanks again
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