PSA result


Staff member
7 months post op and my PSA yesterday was zero. On biopsy the cancer was contained within the walls of the prostate but was pushing out. Had I not had surgery Feb 5 then things could have been worse as covid would have set my surgery back quite a while.
Still fighting some incontinence (2 pads/day) and night bladder pain that gets me up. They had no idea on that yesterday. I take tylenol at bedtime and it helps some. Not every case follows the book
Hi Doug, pleased to hear that everything is going pretty damn good with you after the surgery. I also had my surgery 7 months ago, days before the covid-19 raised it's ugly head to the world at large. I had my first PSA test post op at the 3 month point in May and it was 0.003, classed as undetectable or zero. My next PSA is due in November, ie 6 months from the first and I'll be crossing everything for a similar result. I'm dry now, have been for a month or so and it's brilliant. We're all different mate, so hang in there, I'm sure you'll be dry in good time. As you say, not every case follows the book!
Great news Doug. I’m nearly 3 months post surgery and seeing the slightest improvement. Still using about 4-5 pads a day but pretty dry at night. My psa last week was 0.003. The urologist said that’s perfect number and I don’t have to go back for 6 months. My cancer was all contained to the prostate with no spreading to any vessels. I guess I still have a while before I’m dry.
The interesing thing is it appears everything to do with incontinence is very individual result in the individual.
Be well do what works for you as best you can. There is apparently no treatment that fits all
My surgery was on Feb 4th PSA done in August no signs of cancer.
Almost dry except for the occasional cough,sneeze and flatulence😆
I wear 1 pad a day .
I had two previous laser BPH surgerires over the years so that may have altered the plumbing a little. Morning wood comes and goes so that is a great neurological sign.
Going to hit the 20-year mark in 2023, with zeros for PSAs. So take hope. It had invaded one node. They did put me through chemotherapy, too, and near as I can see, i do have some effects, still, but really minor, these days. Had a brain cancer, 2 years ago, and that did more to cause incontinence than the prostatectomy, but that's fading, too.
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