You should try to keep using the same lab. I am 19 months after prostatectomy. My lab lowest value is <.02 and I had test every three months for the first year and they were <.02. They moved to about 6 month test and I tested .03. Then a test 3 weeks later was .04. I now have a rising PSA. The PSA value they use for reoccurrence has been changing over the years as they are able to test lower. It was .2 but many places are using .1 for reoccurrence. My urologist told me if I reach .1 then it was considered reoccurrence and I would be referred to an oncologist. I have another PSA test scheduled for three months.
Since your urologist sent you for a psa test only good for <.1, they must be using the .2 value for reoccurrence.
Wishing everyone the best