PSA Levels Post RP


Staff member
I just had a PSA test yesterday and it came back < 0.04. This is my 3rd or forth test post RP, which was about 20 months ago. All my tests post RP prior to this were < 0.01. Is there any cause for concern or is this just noise and still considered undetectable?
"<" is the key. Seem like different lab use this time and their equipment limited to 0.04. so yes undetectable
My first test was <0.08 at IU Hospital in Indianapolis after that I went to our local hospital the first one from there was <0.1 contacted my urologist right away she said the lab they use can only go <0.1 last 3 tests at my local hospital all have been <0.1 so all good. It does depend on the lab used.
You should try to keep using the same lab. I am 19 months after prostatectomy. My lab lowest value is <.02 and I had test every three months for the first year and they were <.02. They moved to about 6 month test and I tested .03. Then a test 3 weeks later was .04. I now have a rising PSA. The PSA value they use for reoccurrence has been changing over the years as they are able to test lower. It was .2 but many places are using .1 for reoccurrence. My urologist told me if I reach .1 then it was considered reoccurrence and I would be referred to an oncologist. I have another PSA test scheduled for three months.
Since your urologist sent you for a psa test only good for <.1, they must be using the .2 value for reoccurrence.
Wishing everyone the best
My PSA is very low and a while back they used PSA of 2 as reoccurrences. The question is whether we are going too low but in some cases it is good to know early and you can decide based on the aggressiveness of your cancer, increase PSA rate, margins and many other things. If you want to scan to find the cancer, it ussaully does not work until the PSA is higher. In my case I would prefer not to know until it reached .2. Even at this level i will probably wait. I have two surgeries elsewhere, one within a month and the other surgery I waited too long. It is easy looking back to see what you should have done. Prostate cancer is normally slow growing. As they say if you are older you will probably die of something else other than prostate cancer and I want to enjoy my grandchildren for as long as possible Best wishes to all.
Anxiety said:
You should try to keep using the same lab. I am 19 months after prostatectomy. My lab lowest value is <.02 and I had test every three months for the first year and they were <.02. They moved to about 6 month test and I tested .03. Then a test 3 weeks later was .04. I now have a rising PSA. The PSA value they use for reoccurrence has been changing over the years as they are able to test lower. It was .2 but many places are using .1 for reoccurrence. My urologist told me if I reach .1 then it was considered reoccurrence and I would be referred to an oncologist. I have another PSA test scheduled for three months.
Since your urologist sent you for a psa test only good for <.1, they must be using the .2 value for reoccurrence.
Wishing everyone the best
Yes I also contacted my surgeon and he followed up and said with lab my local is using it is still considered it non detectable . They did say if I was concerned I could go back to Indy but will continue with my local. Never have been to concerned even with the diagnosis about 2 years ago, surgery one year ago.
At last check my PSA was .04 after a year of <.03 readings post RP. Next check in about a month. In the interim I’m scheduled for an AUS after leaking 300-500ml/day.
From what I have learnt from articles and peoples experience on forums I don't think you have anything to worry about at this stage with <0.04. I think you should just get on and enjoy life. But speak to your consultant to get their view. There is a wide difference of opinion of specialists from what I understand with datums ranging from 0.2 to 0.6. A lot of this is to do with the accuracy of PSMA PET scanners and the usfulness of the results. It is obvioulsy best for the specialists to be able to pinpoint exactly where they need to target the photons.Nobody wants to be blasted in places unecessarily. My results have increased to 0.2 since my op in Sept 22.My consultant will not consider further investigation unless and until it increases to 0.4. Also there are various thoughts about the usefulness of HT in conjuction with RT for reoccurance. My consultant is of the school whereby it is not administered.
Good point- Thanks! From what I’ve read, a bigger concern is the rate of change, i.e. “doubting time” wherein a faster rate can be
indicative of distant metastasis.
Everyone is different but I would prefer to wait until .5 and get a psma pet scan at a time when it is more likely to pick something up where they can target something. The target right now would be the prostate bed area and the sphincter area where I had negative margins as long as it goes up slowly. As you say I do not want to get radiation and find out I need it somewhere else and would prefer to wait to .5.
@greg8. Good luck with your AUS. I have incontinence issues too and am scheduled to discuss the AUS option. I also have pelvic nerve issues and got a nerve block so I am not sure which way they and I will go. Right now I am happy just having the pain level at a tolerable level.
The posts of guys considering AUS or Sling should also consider PROACT procedure. Quicker recovery, less invasive, shorter procedure, Medicare covered & cheaper, easily reversed, minimal adjustments.
Just joined the AUS camp after 16 months of wet diapers post RP. Almost forgot about what it was like to be dry. It’s a pleasure to be able to wear regular underwear again. Unfortunately PSA started rising after a year of being undetectable so we’ll see what the future holds.
10 months out from my RP, PSA at one lab was <0.1. Just was rechecked and at a different lab and their test result was <0.04. Different labs have different test result resolutions, still undetectable fortunately.
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