PSA Level undetectable?


Staff member
Just got results of my PSA level 3 months after prostate removal. Results state <.06. When I look at the literature they gave me it states that levels under .1 are undetectable. So that’s the good news and I’m pretty thrilled about it. Here’s my nit picky question however… if anything under .1 is undetectable, then how do they know it’s less than .06? And how is it that others on this forum are able to get more detailed results ( like .02?) Just wondering… my doctor’s office (KaiserPermaente) has been unresponsive to my email questions to this point so I thought I’d try here.
They read all the way down to less than .01, but anything under .1 is considered very safe I believe.
Welcome to the NAFC @Charva.

I don't know much about RP numbers or anything but I can validate your feelings on the Healthcare Industry.

I'm not sure how old you are but it does not surprise me that your doctor's office is ignoring your emails.

Many Public Hospitals over the past few years have gone private and with COVID 19 there has been an "excuse" to push Healthcare even further by creating "Healthcare Conglomerates". This gives Healthcare Centers an opportunity to be all in ones - and maybe in future years work hand in hand by instead of offering health insurance to many networks; employers will instead choose to offer insurance plans solely to the local network.

Far worse than a single payer system - and again another liberty and freedom taken from us Americans while the government walks away from protecting us claiming it's hands are not red.

In short - your emails are a liability to your local doctors office. They cannot give advice via what could be printed.

Anyway, off my soap box. You will find wonderful people here at the NAFC; who understand what you are going through. Keep pushing, regardless of the symptom's and stay positive. From what @cajunfisherman said - things seem pretty positive.

Blessings In Christ,
GREAT NEWS!!! My ongoing PSA tests are what concerns me the MOST, at this point...don't get my 1st one until mid-November.

I was thinking the same thing/question as I read your post - how do they know if undetectable? LOL! Also, why is there any at all?!!

Following for answers from those with more experience, but GREAT NEWS!!! Very happy for you! Prayers and God's grace for continued great results!

Take care & +God+bless+!!!
Having worked in metallurgical/mining lab for 35 years, my opinion is even though newer instrumentation detection limits can go lower, like .02, the industry standard LDL (lower detection limit) is .1 .
The number is a reflection of the sensitivity of the test. The measuring tools are getting better and better. So you may see past references to <.01 being undetectable but now the tools are better than they used to be. I thought .008 was the new threshold but your test indicates an ability to read to .006. Soon it will be .001 I’m sure.
My PSA has been <0.1 or undetectable for 4.5 years with most recent 1 month ago. My understanding is that is still industry standard?
Sure! Pretty much an open book...

Post-op biopsy said Stage 3 and lymph nodes were clear, but cancer did spread to the seminal vesticles, which were removed, but said if spread, then could be in bloodstream and could reappear anywhere - might not, but could, so lots of PRAYERS!!!

I was told that with Stage 3, follow-up radiation treatment is likely, not definite, but likely.

I think that is all I know/was told, but feel free to ask any questions you have...will tell if I know!

Similar to mine except my situation was noted as extraprostatic extension with negative margins. Seminal vesicles did not have identified cancerous tissue. I was also staged at T3
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