

Staff member
Greetings all!!

I am new to the experience of bedwetting as those who read my introductory post are aware. I am at a loss for finding comfortable and cooler protection.

I have tried Abena level 4 plastic and cloth backed diapers. Next I have tried Nortshore Care plastic and cloth to include the Supreme as well as the Lite version.

My issue is that I live in South Carolina and struggle on these summer nights with discomfort brought on by the heat containment of these products. While it is a coin toss as to which product works better, as they are both great at what they are manufactued for, they are both a bit warm and uncomfortable.

Just seeking advice from those more experienced than myself.

Thanks in advance,

You are using some of the best diapers available for sleep wetting. I do not think that there is any diaper that is cool to wear in summer heat. If you can do it, getting an air conditioner for your bedroom should relieve your discomfort.
If you are male, you might explore the use of external catheters. Even with instruction, they do not work for everybody; however, if they do work for you, and if you can get a doctor's script, they might be useful during the heat of summer.
You could try moisture wicking pajamas for the sweating. I have found a diaper is the best solution when it comes to night time issues, but moisture wicking PJs help with the overheating
There is really not much you can do to avoid the warmth a diaper will bring to your body at night, especially the plastic backed ones. The external catheter is the best option to stay dry, and lose the diaper, but they can take some getting used to fur sure, once you have a good system figured out, they are fool proof. Lots of samples available out there if you ask! :-)
chaps54 said:
Greetings all!!

"My issue is that I live in South Carolina and struggle on these summer nights with discomfort brought on by the heat containment of these products."



I'd assume then, that you have no air conditioning or even
fans to move the air at home ?
hi chaps i would go back to your doctor and explain your problem he might make an appointment to see a urologist where they could teach yourself to self catheterise and do just before sleeping at night and wear a night pad instead of a full diaper in case of wetting which would not be as much due to self catheterising and sleep on top of covers when hot
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