Product/feature you are currently missing


Staff member
Hi guys,

Just wondering about a question here:
If there would be one product (whether it be diapers, skin care, cathethers... anything related to our problem) or even feature you guys are missing these days, what would it be and how would it make your life better?
Just figured we could maybe help each other fill in those desires!

I think for me personally it would be a cleansing wet glove that also has a moisturizer & barrier cream in it and actually works... would save me some time and I’m not always able to shower after an episode

Curious to hear what you guys struggle most with
Make plastic backed pull up diapers. How hard would it be to have a plastic feel instead of a cloth feel.
Make plastic great again. I have yet to find a cloth backing that is actually waterproof. The moisture always gets to the underside, though I don't know if it seeps through or soaks around the sides.
I forgot who on here said that the Depends Defense Overnight Underwear for Men had a plastic outer covering or backing. Is that true? Haven't had the chance to try them yet!
@dalexwitte : There is a diaper exactly as you are describing, It's the Walmart Assurance Stretch brief. It is a somewhat abbreviated diaper as it has super stretchy sides that are only about 4 or 5 inches high and end in a single vertical velcro strip as you are describing. Thing is that it has nice tall leak guards and the sides really help to keep this diaper in place better than almost any other I've used. I really like to use this one for yard work or other strenuous activities and the abbreviated style really helps to keep you cool. This is by no means a premium diaper but it's good for one or two voids. It is not plastic backed but I've had no problems with it leaking through and the really good news it only costs about 45 cents each in L/XL, even less in Medium.

It's a little tricky to get the tall vertical velcro strip smoothly attached but when you do it's got great holding power. My method is to at first only attach the very top part of the strip and then holding the lower portion away from the diaper pull in down straight and then attach it in line with upper part. Takes a few tries to get the technique down pat but it's no problem once you've done it a few times,
Hi @PLA4, I couldn't help but notice your post. In my experience the best way to get a pull up that doesn't leak around the leg openings is to get one that fits. If someone has more slender legs and thighs a pull up with a larger leg opening will be leaky! So the operating word here is "fit!" The better the fit the less likely the leaks! So everyone, measure around you waist, your hips and possibly around the tops of your legs at the groin to determine the best fit. And in selecting a pack of pull-ups, go by whichever measurement is the larger, i.e., whether the measurement around your waist or around your hips is the larger of the two.
That's just if you go to the store for your products. For more specific help call your online supplier and speak to a rep and they will advise what size is best for you, depending on your measurements. Still uncertain? Ask the company to send you samples of the various sizes that you think may work for you and by doing that you can pick the best choice!
The Depends Night Defense pull-up is not plastic backed. It is very similar to the Fit-Flex and Protection Plus pull-ups. I use the Night Defense and the Depends Real Fit pull-ups for times when I don't need as much protection. The Real Fit pull-ups are more comfortable than the Fit-Flex. The Night Defense pull-ups also seem to fit better than the Fit-Flex. I think the Night Defense has a more absorbent core than the Real Fit. I just noticed another Depends product that I have not seen previously, it is the Protection Plus.

A plastic backed pull-up would be very hard to make because the plastic does not stretch much. Thus, the elastic at the waist and legs would have to be strong. Additionally, the briefs would have to come in a wide range of sizes. Currently, manufacturers are able to use the stretchy body of a pull-up to accommodate a wide range of sizes. I have included a link to the Depends company website.

@mhart82 Depends Night Defense are plastic-backed pull-ups. They’re definitely not cotton-backed. The cotton is on the inside.
I’d like absorbent products that aren’t bulky - at all, that lay flat, that don’t leak, AND don’t cause excess sweating. In other words, maybe on Planet Mars. Come on, DuPont, help us! Oh, yeah, this product also can’t cause cancer!

I’d like nerve regeneration to be possible so my bladder nerves can be reconnected/regrown to reattach to my spinal cord and brain.
Hi @HappilyRetired2, I didn't know that about why plastic-backed pull-ups would be hard to make because so many different sizes would have to be made. Also interested to learn that the stretchy body of a pull-up can accommodate many different sizes and shapes. Maybe that's why I like the pull-ups over all the other options.
snow -- our scientists need to get busy on stem cells at a price everyone can afford. We have the technology - what's the holdup? It's all connected to money and power. Meanwhile we wait and wait......
Incoman45. Great Post. I was so happy to get the catheter out, I hadn't processed the next step as I should have. After waking up soaked a couple of times, I wasn't so sure that putting a catheter back in wasn't a bad Idea.I know that is probably IS a bad idea, but what about something like I saw for sale in an antique bus driver supply catalog? (they called it a "Motorman's Friend" A tube you could attach safely and sanitarily to your Penis for use at night, or even a portable unit? If you all are laughing, (we all can use a laugh) thats ok, but you put the question out there lol
Hi @wml1963, I think a "motorman's Friend" type of gadget may be better than reinserting a catheter, especially if you have used it before.
And where in the world did you come up with an antique bus drivers' supply catalog? I don't think I've ever seen one of those before!
billliveshere, My mother used to haunt the garage sale, thrift store circuit, and bought The catalog for her collection of old books etc. I wish I still had it, but the picture is pretty clear in my mind. Trust me, insertion, (and then reinserting) a catheter was not on my bucket list. I think that some people who still have their prostates, DO insert new catheters from time to time to aid in urinating. I can usually get thru a night with paper products, but My friends tell me I have 6 months to a year of dealing with incontinence now, and although being attached to a tube and a plastic bag at night IS cumbersome, It is still better than waking up soaked. I was hoping I could find one already made, but unless someone chimes in with a source, and since I am prevented from driving my tractors and loaders for several weeks, I will see what I can design for myself, I still have the night bag I got from the Urologist and the tubing. You can pretty well imagine yourself what part I have to come up with that will stay on, and not leak!

Stay tough guys! One day at a time, this too shall pass!
@wml1963 : It kind of sounds like you are looking for what's called a condom catheter. It's similar to a regular condom but instead of a close tip it has a tube on the end that you connect to a drainage tube and leg or overnight bag. They usually have adhesive on the inside to keep them from coming off. Unfortunately I have not had great luck with them staying on. I've found if the end of the condom, the tube, or even the upper portion of the bag gets even a minor kink in it that will produce back-pressure that will cause the condom catheter to either leak or blow off completely, you can image the result. I know some guys have used them successfully but I've given them a good try several times and still haven't gotten to the point that I can really trust them not to leak.

The only other product that I can think of is what looks like a very heavy large rubber tube that you wear with a harness that holds it in place. It too has a tube end that attaches to a drainage tube and leg bag. I don't think these really "seal" on your body so I think they can only used during waking hours.

Check on the Internet and you will find both of these products in abundance. Hope this helps!
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